Best BIAB pot material ?

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Hey all I have been making all grain BIAB beers for the last 9 months and put out 15 batches. Just noticing my pot is becoming marked or stained and it won't come out . It's an alloy type pot I got from my LBS ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1384778503.962323.jpg
I think it must be reacting from the mash or boil.
It is starting to give a metallic sort of taste to the water when I fill it up before a brew day. I think I will need to get a new one, maybe stainless steel. Any one have this problem ?
I use a stainless steel vessel (crown urn) and have no complaints. It would have been used at least 50 times in the last two years.

You shouldn't have any trouble with SS.
If it is aluminum then it will suffer from 'tea staining' which is a normal oxidation process. It will not leave a metallic taste in your beer.

I have an Al pot with the same staining and have no known metallic taste.

are you filling the pot with a garden hose?
The best or most reliable and widely accepted material is stainless steel. If you buy another pot just go stainless and don't look back
Part if the key with aluminum pots is to NOT scrub it back to shiny metal between batches. The dull oxidation is part of what keeps it from reacting further with the wort or water. Doesn't look like you're doing that necessarily, just mentioning it to be sure. Here's a John Palmer article for BYO on brewing metallurgy you might be interested in:
Thanks for that people . It works well as a pot conducts heat well , just was concerned with the staining and possibly giving the water that is added a taste , maybe it is just the taste of previous brews that has ingrained itself in the pot. Fill it with water from the bathroom tap , have used the garden hose also tho.
Garden hose is the most likely suspect IMO.

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