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el capitan

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Hi everyone,

I've just joined the AHB and I'm after some advice. I received my first home brew keg while at uni, and have made a few batches (cheap way to drink at uni). Since then my keg was in storage until now!

I've seemed to master the kits that you buy at Big W and K-Mart, and now I'm looking at other methods or additional items that I can put in my brew.

I'm also interested in learning a method to remove all that sediment that builds up at the bottom of the keg. I have obtained another keg and I was going to just transfer the brew from one keg to another by straining the brew with a strainer after turning on the tap to transfer it. Is this the right method to do this, or is it a bit primitive?

I live in Brisbane and now that the temps are starting to drop, I'm intrested in batching up some winter brews, and I'm keen to branch past the kit and kilo stuff.

Thanks for the time and future advice.
I'm also interested in learning a method to remove all that sediment that builds up at the bottom of the keg. I have obtained another keg and I was going to just transfer the brew from one keg to another by straining the brew with a strainer after turning on the tap to transfer it. Is this the right method to do this, or is it a bit primitive?

Welcome to AHB el capitan. What you're talking about here is called 'racking'. Dont strain the brew with a strainer as you will introduce oxygen into the wort which is a no-no. Have a read of this:

Simple extract brew perhaps? What did you have in mind? How do your normal batches go [temp/ingredients/yeast]?
Simple extract brew perhaps? What did you have in mind? How do your normal batches go [temp/ingredients/yeast]?

I control my temps with heshen sack and water (old school style), I normally use the kit stuff for the wort and yeast. But I'm keen to learn more.

In regards to "racking" am I best to get a hose from Bunnings to transfer or get it from some place else?

Thanks for the responses!
In regards to "racking" am I best to get a hose from Bunnings to transfer or get it from some place else?

mine came from a handful of fermenter taps whilst you are there (cheaper than HBS) and test the hose diameter by sticking it on the taps. I think its 10-12mm or something like that. Make sure you buy enough to have a slight coil in the bottom fermenter so it doesnt splash.
hey mate,

have a go at BIAB (brew in a bag). Just did my first one last weekend.. Would definitely recommend it if you are looking to move away from Kit and can.

Have a look at the sticky thread in the AG forum
I'm keen to branch past the kit and kilo stuff.

Thanks for the time and future advice.
Try a fresh Wort with a good quality yeast. Your LHBS will sell you the right one after a few questions about what style you like/want to try. This way you'll make an excellent beer and see what brewing life is like after K&K. It'll get you hooked - you have been warned :D
Welcome to the site.

Read all the airlocked threads pinned to the start of the different forums.

Read the articles that you can access via the navbar.

Ferment at the right temperature for your yeast, generally 18-20 for ales, 10-12 for lagers.

Keep everything clean.

Use good ingredients, best obtained from your local homebrew store. Do not use sugar.

Keep good notes.

Join a brewclub.

Learn how to use the hydrometer. Your beer is right to bottle after 3 days at the same specific gravity, but will improve if you leave it in primary for another week.
If you happen to be going anywhere near Shailer Park send me a PM and I'll show you just how good a K + K beer can be.

Cheers FROGMAN.....
If you happen to be going anywhere near Shailer Park send me a PM and I'll show you just how good a K + K beer can be.

Cheers FROGMAN.....

Thanks for the advice guys.

Another question though. If I don't fill the keg to 23L, and fill to say 15L will that make the beer stronger in flavour and %?

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