Beers of England

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Hi all,

Traveling England at the moment, staying in london currently,I have to say I've had some great beer. Been hitting up the local bottle shops or pubs most arvos and buying random beers to taste. "St peters" Pale and Golden ales have probably been my favs, they also do a great IPA. The only thing ive found a bit dodgy is most tap beers I've been served are semi flat & warm. Be it at restaurant or pub or whateva. Ie London Pride pale ale, out of a bottle straight out of my hotel room fridge yesterday, lighly carbonated, malty, lovley, tasted great. Went out to dinner, had one off tap, hot flat & not too flash! Is this the norm over here, to serve tap beer warm & flat? Also I've found aussie lagers better (as in much more tasty)than lagers of the uk, maby my taste buds are just used to aussie beers! Off to France today, any beer recommendations?


You put London Pride in a FRIDGE?!?! Heathen...

Lightly carbonated and served at cellar temps is not "warm and flat"
Hope your having a good trip, my only suggestion is to have taken a Camera book with you for the best pubs, and when you say warm beer, do you mean over 10 or 12 degrees C that is the best temperature to drink beer to get the flavours I lived there for a while and the habit has stuck with me to not keep beers (and wine ) to cold then you can really appreciate the flavours.
If you go up north you will have a great time, don't spend to much time in the big smoke.
CAMRA, even... unless you are suggesting he learns how to photograph the best pubs...
If you like St Peters beers they have a Pub in Clerkenwell, the Jerusalem Tavern where they usually have half a dozen of their beers on cask. These will have low carbonation and served at cellar temps around 12°c.
Unfortunately a lot of pubs serve poorly so if you can look up the CAMRA good pub guide or an app such as Fancy a pint.
Fullers London Pride, off the hand pump is one of the best ales I have ever tasted, I was recently in London my self And had a lot of hand pumped beers. Out of the bottle Fullers is just not the same. 12 degrees Celsius, very lightly carbed, makes it perfect.
Cheers 4 the replies..

Dunno if it was under 12c, just seemed warmish, even the fridges at the bottlos don't seem overly cold, could just be the aussie custom I'm used to. I've always drunk my beer as cold as possible. 12c beer just seems strange, Probably makes sense to have beer a bit on the warm side with how cold it gets over here in winter. Given that its gotten up to 30c this week here in london, 12c beer on a hot day just don't quench my thirst. Ill just have to get with the program. Hahahah
I had the pleasure of my first trip OS to the UK last year,stayed in Somerset and then up to Edinburgh.In Somerset,I had 6 pubs within 3 blocks,and virtually every beer was incredibly bland and tasteless.Not because of temp or carb level though.If I found the well known Brit beers,they were fine,but the vast majority of regionals,where I stayed, were thin,tasteless,crap.There's an incredible amount of Brit beers,some are great,a lot are rubbish.
I'm feeling ya toper. I've had a few pints, especially regonal lagers that were just *********. Carlsberg Lager in my opinion was very average... Tasted watered down.
Bishops finger is my fave when i am in the uk doom bar ipa is good too
rockeye84 said:
Hi all,
Traveling England at the moment, staying in london currently,I have to say I've had some great beer. Been hitting up the local bottle shops or pubs most arvos and buying random beers to taste. "St peters" Pale and Golden ales have probably been my favs, they also do a great IPA. The only thing ive found a bit dodgy is most tap beers I've been served are semi flat & warm. Be it at restaurant or pub or whateva. Ie London Pride pale ale, out of a bottle straight out of my hotel room fridge yesterday, lighly carbonated, malty, lovley, tasted great. Went out to dinner, had one off tap, hot flat & not too flash! Is this the norm over here, to serve tap beer warm & flat? Also I've found aussie lagers better (as in much more tasty)than lagers of the uk, maby my taste buds are just used to aussie beers! Off to France today, any beer recommendations?
i reading your post with interest (as well as comments from those who been before). Regarding pommie beers and your upcoming trip to France to sample their beer,I can't help there but am looking forward to your recomendations/experiences as I will travelling through those places later in the year,so fore warned is fore warned. ....cheers..spog....
spog said:
i reading your post with interest (as well as comments from those who been before). Regarding pommie beers and your upcoming trip to France to sample their beer,I can't help there but am looking forward to your recomendations/experiences as I will travelling through those places later in the year,so fore warned is fore warned. ....cheers..spog....
. Sorry fore warned is fore armed.
sam smith's various ales and of course timothy taylor's landlord!
but carlsbeg is just a mass produced lager like fosters so it stands to reason that it would be ****. just to help you done bother with fosters, Stella, carling either.......bland mass produced lager.
If you see on around try a deuchers IPA, may also have he word Caledonian on the little sign if I remember correctly....ripper
Caledonian was my pint of choice at the local I walked past every day in Edinburgh,a very nice session easy quaffer.Had more luck in bottles,Broughtons Old Jock Ale was/is a cracker of a beer :beerbang: If you were a cider lover ,the world was your oyster :D

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