Beerfest 2006 Grand Ridge Hotel Victoria

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Ahhh Ross...........

You have left yourself open to all sorts of comments about Poms there!!! :p

Im waiting for someone to pick up on something in my posts......... its inevitable.

like a meat pie in an apple strudle!
big d said:
You are eligible for novice if you have not placed in a Vicbrew sanctioned comp before. Traditionally Beerfest has had no interstate entries (there were 50 this year). I don't think the brewing organisations Australia wide are organised enough to keep and share such records.

ive entered in the past sos and im from the NT so yep you have had a past interstate entrant even if im in a territory not a state. :D
By traditionally Big D - I mean that out of state entries are a relatively new thing, not that they have been totally absent.
Tony said:
very happy with the schwarzbier and tripple results though, that tripple just gets better and better.
Tony - I judged on the Dark Lagers panel. Looking back at my notes, I scored the Schwarzbiers pretty well as a substyle compared with some of the others.
Ross said:
Why did 4 of the British beers get no points at all?

cheers Ross...
Ross I am speculating that they were deemed sufficiently problematic (eg seriously infected) by either the stewards or the judges and so were not scored.
did anyone pick up on the POR in the schwarzbier ?

Oh well..... i madt the beer with all the leftover bits and pieces of old noble hops i had in my freezer before i ordered more but i didn't have enough so in went a bit of good old POR for the hell of it.

Would hop it different if...... sorry, WHEN i make it again.

might go an all hallertau schedule.

ooh, sosman........ did u say something about prize money?

who gets it? or should i say, what places in what catagories are eligable.

I need a march pump :p hehe

not nagging, just curious, no biggie. (you will mention prize money though :) )

Tony said:
did anyone pick up on the POR in the schwarzbier ?

Well they didn't pick up that there was no rye in the roggenbier so I guess not. :blink:

It scored very well none the less but I can only imagine what may have been if it was scored as written, a "gluten free roggenbier" style, like a dunkelweizen with more hop and rye (millet in this case) malt character.

The fact that none of my freak beers came last in class is a consolation. B)


Millet Man.
i got my score sheets back today

Im verry dissapinted in the comments....1 class that i entered 2 beers into, the only comments on the sheet were "banana" nothing more.......and 1 of the judges is a BJCP rec

very poor effort indeed
Firstly, congratulations to all the people who placed and thanks to the organisers and judges.

I received my results back yesterday and yes the comments were pretty brief, but they were fair and accurate. My German Pils. was way down the list (but still in the drinkable category), so maybe it was easier to comment on.

The comments were too bitter and / or stale hops, from 2 of the judges. This made me think, as I'm pretty sure there is nothing wrong with my hops. Anyway, here is what I did, and why they picked it. Great effort I reckon.

I have recently changed my brewing habits and stopped doing a cold break. (Yes I know why I should, but sometimes it's good to be lazy). I am sparging & boiling at a different location from my fermentation & mash. So after the boil, I put my wort into cube, take it home, let it cool and then ferment it the next day.

What I did this time was put the aroma hops into the cube (Hersbrucker 1.8%AA) and left them to cool with the wort (sealed in the plastic cube). So instead of getting quick 1 minute boil they had a long steep that was gradually cooling off.

Too bad there beer has long been drunk to taste it again. I hope you find this trivia interesting, maybe next year I'll have to make the trip down to VIC.

Thanks again
ozbrewer said:
i got my score sheets back today

Im verry dissapinted in the comments....1 class that i entered 2 beers into, the only comments on the sheet were "banana" nothing more.......and 1 of the judges is a BJCP rec

very poor effort indeed
Oz - all the bits about comp organisers and judges being volunteers etc aside, you would be doing brewers, comp organisers and judges a favour by passing your comments on.

My impression is that overall the comments at Beerfest 2006 would be a significant improvement than previous years however that is no consolation to you.

In the past I have been on the other end of the contact page but I recommend you (and anyone else with useful feedbback) use the contact page at Your message should go straight to the president and secretary currently.

You should include enough detail to identify your entry/category etc and perhaps offer to send a scanned copy of relevant score sheets.

I personally try to fill in every section of the form on every entry. Even dodgy beers I at least try to point the brewer at possible causes of the fault - even if in these cases I skip over the detail of the flavour section. Of course I am only BJCP "apprentice" level ;)
I think the real outrage is that people in Qld and NSW have got their judging sheets back and I haven't!!

Ah the vagaries of Australia Post.

(I'm not really complaining, just letting off steam)
Malnourished said:
I think the real outrage is that people in Qld and NSW have got their judging sheets back and I haven't!!

Ah the vagaries of Australia Post.

(I'm not really complaining, just letting off steam)
Mal if it makes you feel any better - I haven't got mine yet and I was judging at the comp!

Doh I was just at the club meeting tonight and someone probably had mine there.
Club meeting? I'm a paid up club member and knew nothing about the meeting! Looks like I've not been added to the mailout and now have to wait another month to win the nightly raffle :p

Hopefully I'll be in the country for next years Beerfest.
Got my score sheets back today.

I was very happy with the coments.

Some of the sheets had comments written around the printed info on the sheets cause there wasnt enough room to fit it all in.

Plenty of good, honest comments pointing out good and bad things.

I love the comp sheets, you really learn a lot about the beers from them.

I picked them up from the P.O. and promptly ran into 3 people in the shopping center walking back to my car while i read them :)

Thanks to all involved in the comp, cant wait for next year now.

Well on the NSW state comp and ANAWBS :)

better get brewing, god i wish it would cool down already.


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