Beer Tasting and Smoke Session with Match Lighting

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caveat brasiator
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Just stumbled across this unusually seductive beer review video on YouTube by a whispering young lady.

Never seen a beer reviewer almost give a head job to the microphone before. Like her finger work too.

Its long, about 50 minutes, and I haven't watched it all (yet).

(Note the joint in the ash tray at the start. She lights up at about the 32 minute mark)


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Was there ever a quicker way to make someone look unattractive than to stick a cigarette in their hand?
"Some" people pay good money to see that in Thailand Mardoo.
Haha pisser, I love YouTube.
...Luckily the Missus is down the shops at the moment, porn is one thing, but I'd struggle to explain that clip to her.
I see. Did anyone here experience these supposed pleasurable sensations from listening to this chick whispering? I sure as **** didnt.
I nearly did but Mum kept waking past my room, rules are I have to keep the door open.

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