Yep, the BWS on Davey St was/is one of the better ones for better import beers. They usually have a good selection but I think it has kind of dropped off of late, or maybe I've just tried most of them now and looking for something new and interesting. Gasworks too but I haven't found many other bottlo's that have had much of a selection.
HOWEVER, last time I went into BWS Davey they had moved their import beer section to a new location....right as you walk in to the left at the entrance of the roller door. Take not of this, if you walk into the bottle shop on a nice sunny afternoon you can see the late afternoon sun from about 3pm onwards blasting the crap out of all the import beers right until sundown. They sit behind clear glass fridge doors and cop full sun every afternoon that the suns out. Don't know about you but I wont be buying any more beers at $5-6 a stubbie that have baked in the sun for who knows how long.
If your up to it please mention it to the staff and maybe we will get it changed. I have mentioned it and will again, don't know if it will make any difference but worth noting.
Best of luck. Justin