beer bought in different places

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about a fortnight ago a bought a carton of coopers sparkling ale here in yamba had a couple thentook a dozen stubbies with me to mackay needed cold beer on arrival.
ok all said and down consumed about 6 cartons over the 4 days travel and 9days fishing .
igot home on tuesday thirsty so in the fridge here was a couple of the original carton and out keeping the barra company on ice were a six pack purchased in mackay.
these two beers were 1 day different in best after date but chalk and cheese in quality the beer bought in Yamba was way in front of what I purchased in mackay.
it just seems to not travel well to there I suspected that when I was there last xmas
Two things that don't age well; Coopers Sparkling Ale and Mark Hamill.
one was marked best after 20/8/16 and the other 21/8/16 not much to do with ageing more about how its kept i think through transport
In my travels, particularly in northern/western Queensland, it was not uncommon to see pallets of piss sitting out in the hot afternoon sun until the storeman/bottleshop wallah/manager found time and inclination to do something about it. I mean, it's not as though it's poofy wine, is it!!!
Surely kegs and cartons of beer being driven about in unrefridgerated trucks in 40 degree plus temperatures and then being stored outside pub coolrooms for hours can not enhance the contents. All I can say is, a can of West End draught tastes crap under any environmental condition.

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