Basic Thermometer Question

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Hi friends,

I intend to go into partial mash brewing soon and I have a basic thermometer question. I have a dial thermometer 5 inch (meat thermometer). How do I use it to constantly monitor the temperature of the wort? Is there a clip of some sort that clips to the edge of the boiler or counter top cooler ? Or how else to do this?

are you talking mashing or boiling?
why constant? a couple of times is enough.
For a partial-mash. IF you measure the temperature on the water correctly prior to adding the grain to the water,
(~72 degrees at a 3:1 to grains), you shouldn't have a problem

Check the temperature is 65-67 at beginning by gently stiring the probe then allow it to settle my holding it still.
5 inched should be deep enough for a partial mashbed.

There is no need to check it constantly.
temperature variances in a partials is not as Critical as in full AGs

Ensure the insulation is sufficient on the Mashtun and don't open the lid every 5 minutes.

1st couple of times, check mash after 1/2 h and be ready with the kettle to top up if temperature has dropped below ~64.

Good luck
Is there a clip of some sort that clips to the edge of the boiler or counter top cooler ? Or how else to do this?

If you want a quick and dirty fix, use a metal coat hanger stretched and bent from handle to handle across your pot.. coil the center so that you make a small circle able to house your thermometer. You can then adjust (by bending each time you use it) to where the arm or probe end of your thermometer is immersed in your grain bed and the dial is safely above the grain/liquid.

Lots of variables, but this is one quick way to do it. As others have pointed out, constant temp monitoring isn't exactly required but I throw this out there as 1 way to achieve what you're after.

If you want a quick and dirty fix, use a metal coat hanger stretched and bent from handle to handle across your pot.. coil the center so that you make a small circle able to house your thermometer. You can then adjust (by bending each time you use it) to where the arm or probe end of your thermometer is immersed in your grain bed and the dial is safely above the grain/liquid.

Lots of variables, but this is one quick way to do it. As others have pointed out, constant temp monitoring isn't exactly required but I throw this out there as 1 way to achieve what you're after.


Thank you so much for your quick responses.

Regards to all.

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