Bar Swap: '1st Time For Everything'

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Just me talking **** again, obviously my crusty old taste buds require a bit more bitterness haha. Beautiful beer none the less.

Might taste sweeter for other reasons, I don't know? Subjective game this beer tasting business.

Re ESB carbonation, I thought you would have suggested the "pocket sparkler"! :p :p
Absolutely! But if the beer is the slightest bit carbonated beyond 1 volume it seems that the old 'pocket sparkler' sends the beer out the top of the glass and all over the well-cleaned surface that you happen to be standing on hahahaha!
Make sure you brew something nice and British to bring to my place on the 21st July.

YES BOSS! I'm think 1469, GP, simps heritage crystal, a touch of munich and victory and more styrians than the swamps from Conan (or was that stygian?)...

I just lost 4 litres of my best ESB so far to a bunnings fermenter and ****-tap!!!! FURIOUS!!!! Talk about carpet licker!!!

Edit: Vic45 - American stout is a good description: it is a tasty stout but yet has a fantastic cascade aroma and flavour! Certainly very roasty, big hop aroma, great head that lingers all the way to the finish. Not a style that excites me but VERY drinkable, crisp and clean, nice one!!!
Wakkas ESB
Aroma: Nutty, with earthy hop aroma and slight alcohol
Appearance: Pours a lovely tight head that holds and laces, nice and clear, low carb to style, and a beautiful amber colour
Flavour: Clean with a great balance of malt, hop spice and bitterness IMHO
Texture: thin, but carries on the palate
Overall: My style of beer, love it, even better as it warms up. Nice little competition going on between the malt and hops that kept me thinking.
vic45 - liked the american stout - very clean beer, crazy little twist with those toffee and choc notes finished off with that yank accent at the end.

El presidente gave it the seal of approval too after having a taste, and she's very picky about her dark beers....
YES BOSS! I'm think 1469, GP, simps heritage crystal, a touch of munich and victory and more styrians than the swamps from Conan (or was that stygian?)...

No need for the munich. Perfect grist hop and yeast blend right there.
Beastie's ESB
Cracking beer IMHO
clean,nutty, nuances of caramel, really nice mouthcoating texture.
One of those less is more beers.
Beastie's ESB
Cracking beer IMHO
clean,nutty, nuances of caramel, really nice mouthcoating texture.
One of those less is more beers.

Spot on, Beastie is the quiet achiever of the B.A.R. :icon_cheers:
mmmyummbeer's porter. Mine is the choc orange variety. Lovely colour, good aroma, a faint taste remains of choc ornage, but otherwise a damn fine porter. One problem (subjective perhaps), as I served at ambient back porch temps (around 8c) the beer is waaay overcarbonated for my tastes. It has not affected the flavour luckily (no bite to it), but it is a little too active to be easily manageable...long slow pours and a lot of waiting for the beer:foam ratio to end up where I want it.

Otherwise, damn fine beer!

I tasted one of mine the other night...still overwhelmingly treacle-ish, but fine if splitting the bottle with someone...I had to drink the longneck over two nights as it still a bit much for me.
Im waiting for a dark stormy night to tackle your dark number Lecterfan
Im waiting for a dark stormy night to tackle your dark number Lecterfan
:lol: ...I see what you did there...

In all seriousness I'm trying to put half of my batch away to drink next winter.
Some brief beer reviews:

Wakkatoo (English something): Pours a nice head, good carbonation. Malty but a bit 'sweet' for my tastes, perhaps needs more hop for greater balance. All the same the whole bottle went down a treat with some fresh Bluefin Tuna steaks and a salsa topping, Yum!

Vic 45 (Cascadian Dark Ale): Mine was highly carbed, but that seems to be different to what others have said so maybe just a slight bottle variation?? Smells great with the Cascade hop character. Pours a deep browny red with good clarity. Nicely balanced malt and hops.

Muscovy (Vienna Ale): Like it. Pours with great clarity and great foamy head. Has a great aroma and is a fine balance between hops and malt. American hops?? Has length, like a good red, can you say that about beer? Shame about the 330ml bottle, could have had more! :D Interested in what your malt and hop % for this is??
Some brief beer reviews:

Wakkatoo (English something): Pours a nice head, good carbonation. Malty but a bit 'sweet' for my tastes, perhaps needs more hop for greater balance. All the same the whole bottle went down a treat with some fresh Bluefin Tuna steaks and a salsa topping, Yum!

Vic 45 (Cascadian Dark Ale): Mine was highly carbed, but that seems to be different to what others have said so maybe just a slight bottle variation?? Smells great with the Cascade hop character. Pours a deep browny red with good clarity. Nicely balanced malt and hops.

Muscovy (Vienna Ale): Like it. Pours with great clarity and great foamy head. Has a great aroma and is a fine balance between hops and malt. American hops?? Has length, like a good red, can you say that about beer? Shame about the 330ml bottle, could have had more! :D Interested in what your malt and hop % for this is??
FYI Herbo

#27 Vienna Ale (Special/Best/Premium Bitter)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.041 (P): 10.2
Final Gravity (FG): 1.010 (P): 2.6
Alcohol (ABV): 4.03 %
Colour (SRM): 12.2 (EBC): 24.0
Bitterness (IBU): 32.4 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)

60% Vienna
24% Munich I
12% Wheat Malt
2.6% Crystal 120
1.4% Chocolate

0.2 g/L Amarillo (10.1% Alpha) @ 45 Minutes (Boil)
0.2 g/L Magnum (11.6% Alpha) @ 45 Minutes (Boil)
0.9 g/L Amarillo (10.1% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
0.2 g/L Magnum (11.6% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
0.4 g/L Amarillo (10.1% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop)

Single step Infusion at 52C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 18C with Safale US-05

Notes: Planned HERMS Step mash: and continual recirculation


Add 4 litres of extra water to mash in.
remove 4 litres at the end of the 63 degrees C step for a single decoction, reducing to 1 litre
Sparge to 28 litres

0 min hop addition = 3min hop steep and addition to cold cube prior to transfer to fermenter

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
mmmyummbeer's porter. Mine is the choc orange variety. Lovely colour, good aroma, a faint taste remains of choc ornage, but otherwise a damn fine porter. One problem (subjective perhaps), as I served at ambient back porch temps (around 8c) the beer is waaay overcarbonated for my tastes. It has not affected the flavour luckily (no bite to it), but it is a little too active to be easily manageable...long slow pours and a lot of waiting for the beer:foam ratio to end up where I want it.

Otherwise, damn fine beer!

I tasted one of mine the other night...still overwhelmingly treacle-ish, but fine if splitting the bottle with someone...I had to drink the longneck over two nights as it still a bit much for me.

Glad you liked in, I actually cracked a one the other night and you are right it was also way over carbonated. I had some still sitting at room temp and has definitely kept fermenting, have placed them in the fridge and plan on releasing some pressure soon, also found that I couldn't taste any orange and only a faint taste of chocolate, it has definitely faded out over time. But it I recon it could pass as a porter if you didn't know it started out as a choc orange.

Haven't tried your beer yet, have been savoring it until later :D
Feedback on some beers tried, so far

Wakkatoo's ESB

Pours great looks good, Nice malty flavour. Could be just me but I did taste a bit of grassyness from the hops. I noticed you said you dry hoped and wondered if it was with flowers or pellets (I'm guessing flowers, maybe homegrown) I noticed it as the same flavour I had in some of my beers a while back that I put my home grown hops in. Otherwise great beer.

Muscovy's Vienna Ale
Upon opening the bottle and then pouring I couldn't believe how good that aroma was, so malty and inviting that I was salivating before it even reached my lips. :icon_drool2: Tasted good too.

Muscovy's French Saison
What can I say I loved this beer at the swap and really enjoyed it last night.

Herbo's Dunkelweizen
Great beer, really enjoyed, looked sensational in the glass, excellent colour, nice complexity of flavours with a touch of licorice. Could definitely go another :D
mmm might need to add a few more post, Husband's not too sure at being down as a 'partial man', :lol: