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Hi all,

After a few long years in the Middle East I'm now back and have access to my kegerator again. I'd lent it to a mate who used it for about 6 months or so, then got bored etc and left it for over 2 yrs.

My questions are:
How best to clean lines, taps, kegs etc?
Any other things I should be wary of?
can't wait to get a brew down but again, have to clean all my fermentation stuff too.

Thanks in advance

Edit - I also picked up a bunch of yeast, hops and grain from him, so it is all likely to be at least 2, maybe 2.5 yrs old. Should I ditch all these, even the unopened ones, or could some be salvageable (thinking more the sealed hops)?
To be honest id buy new beer and gas lines i replace mine every 2 years or so. Pull the taps apart and boil some water and add some unscented napisan. Same goes for your fermenters. I use my hlt to heat big volumes to 70 degrees and add to kegs fermenters etc for a good soak.
Ive never had an infection in 9 years but i clean all the time. Its apart of brewing and has to be done.
Throw all ingredients out and get fresh stuff to. You wouldn't eat bread that was 2 years old would ya?
Kingy said:
To be honest id buy new beer and gas lines i replace mine every 2 years or so. Pull the taps apart and boil some water and add some unscented napisan. Same goes for your fermenters. I use my hlt to heat big volumes to 70 degrees and add to kegs fermenters etc for a good soak.
Ive never had an infection in 9 years but i clean all the time. Its apart of brewing and has to be done.
Throw all ingredients out and get fresh stuff to. You wouldn't eat bread that was 2 years old would ya?

Throw old lines and ingredients out, soak everything else in napisan or lash out and buy PBW or some other brewery cleaner just for piece of mind. Soak everything for a full day at least and make sure to actually scrub the equipment (non scratch of course). Wash, dry, inspect and either soak again or get your brew on.
thanks guys - better get on to the sponsors then
Oh and replace any brew hoses while your at it.
Before you toss out hoses measure their length and note inside dia, as this will not change the balance of your system when you replace. Dig your grains etc into the garden.
By the way, the number of Napisan flavours available seems to have skyrocketed while I was away... which is the best one to get? Is there a basic one?
I found some of the pink stain remover powder in a box of brew stuff - what do I use that fr again?
I feel like my mind has been completely wiped of brewing stuff - hope I don't start at the beginning with cr@p brews again!
The cheapo one at Aldi works well, purple container and 35% sodium percarbonate.

Called disan

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