Australian Amateur Brewing Championship

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Hi everyone,

Not wanting to sound like sour grapes, I am merely looking for opinion, how does a beer go from 1st with 43.5 :D as an average of two judges in the QABC with comments like

"Just finished judging strong lagers and farmhouse ales. Awesome line-up, congratulations on all entries, there were some awesome beers! standard seemed to be well up on last years! (Who brewed the top scoring saison? it was exceptional!) "

to 91 as the sum of 3 judges (average of 30 per judge) in the AABC :unsure: ?

Is this a regional difference? Any input for next year would be appreciated.


Because HB comps are a mugs game Starkie ;)


As mentioned above, a lot can happen to a beer in a month. My stout in the Brisbane Stout mini comp in June (??) was judged 'mouth puckeringly bad' but won a third place in the BABBs comp and ended up a tasty drop after a couple of months. The mild that took out first in the low alc in QABC still got fifth place in the Nats but I knew in my heart of hearts that it was just 'over the hill'. I had brewed another one but it turned out disappointing so I had no choice but to put the 'old' bottle in the Nats. I'll be more on the ball next year.
It was my own lazy fault because I had let myself run out of Carafa so I subbed roast barley, pitched the wort onto a yeastcake from a bitter..... like I PMd someone "Into detention and write 500 lines: I will not do mad experiments three weeks before a competition, I will not do mad experiments......." :lol: :lol:
Not wanting to sound like sour grapes, I am merely looking for opinion, how does a beer go from 1st with 43.5 :D as an average of two judges in the QABC

As others have stated, it's just the way things go sometimes. My two beers that qualified inverted between the ACT qualifiers and the nationals:

ACT results said:
Sam Highley Kolsch 96.0
Sam Highley Dusseldorfer Altbier 120.0

AABC results said:
Sam Highley Kolsch 115.5 ACT
Sam Highley Dusseldorfer Altbier 103 ACT

Weird! I expected the Kolsch to get smashed at the AABC as it was the lowest scoring qualifier from the ACT comp to go through, and it'd be 3-4 weeks older.
Because HB comps are a mugs game Starkie ;)



Cynically correct BD but I wouldn't want to discourage a brewer from entering competitions. Gambling also is a mugs game but a lot of people get their employment and pleasure from it. Following the Dragons is for mugs too, but we still do it !

Different people aim for different outcomes when entering beers in competitions. I entered my first competitions this year, the same beer scored 125.5 at state level and 100 in the nationals. Different judges. I reckon the beer was a good one anyway, maybe the national judges just didn't like that style as much as the state judges. I'll await the tasting notes from both and decide if I lost points for a problem I can correct.

Better luck next time to all my fellow losers ! :icon_cheers:
Yes, just thinking about the UK modern Summer ale I put in,


In the State it got the equivalent of 114, in the Nats it got 88. It was brewed to BJCP guidelines 'can be very pale yellow' etc, and showed a lot of background bitterness from Target hops.
In the State comp, it no doubt struck the judges on the day as a novel and adventurous interpretation of English bitter however in the Nats I'm looking forward to the scoresheets... probably something along the lines of "WTF is this stuff supposed to be :huh: "

:lol: :lol:
Thank for all the input.

I guess I'll wait for the judges feedback and have another crack next year :icon_cheers: .
Yes, just thinking about the UK modern Summer ale I put in,

View attachment 32376

In the State it got the equivalent of 144, in the Nats it got 88. It was brewed to BJCP guidelines 'can be very pale yellow' etc, and showed a lot of background bitterness from Target hops.
In the State comp, it no doubt struck the judges on the day as a novel and adventurous interpretation of English bitter however in the Nats I'm looking forward to the scoresheets... probably something along the lines of "WTF is this stuff supposed to be :huh: "

:lol: :lol:
But did you brew it to BJCP or AABC guidelines? Remembering that they aren't the same in all areas, particularly when it comes to English beers...
I like the jugs and glasses you Qlders use at your state champions BG !

And without sounding too patronising or demeaning, the larger number of well credentialled interstate judges at national level should mean a better standard of judging than at state level. It still doesn't eliminate judges bias or style preference, but I reckon it does mean your beer does get a fair judging.
But did you brew it to BJCP or AABC guidelines? Remembering that they aren't the same in all areas, particularly when it comes to English beers...

Yes that could be a trap for new players. More groundwork next year, for sure. As you say, low alc in the State was >3.5% ABV, low alc in the Nats as from this year is >4.0% ABV - that's just one example.
Yes that could be a trap for new players. More groundwork next year, for sure. As you say, low alc in the State was >3.5% ABV, low alc in the Nats as from this year is >4.0% ABV - that's just one example.
Wouldn't state level and Nats both be judged on AABC guidlines? I'm pretty sure VICBrew was AABC and not BJCP.
Wouldn't state level and Nats both be judged on AABC guidlines? I'm pretty sure VICBrew was AABC and not BJCP.
It depends on each state, WA was BJCP
The styleguides used for Nats are indeed AABA (we used BJCP scoresheets, which may cause some confusion).

I'm keen to see some form of uniformity between the Nationals and state competitions, to make sure that (a) everyone's getting there via the same criteria; and (B) that everyone entering has the same expectations with respect to the way their beers are evaluated.

Welldone everyone, I had a wonderull few days and don't know where to start when it comes to thanking everyone I better not start naming names incase I miss someone or get names wrong but everyone knows who they are from the organisers and helpers to the judges, stewards, clubs, visitors , venues, hosts and so forth.
I did start posting a individual thanks but halfway through it was starting to read like a novel already.

I see my antics have already been mentioned but since every other state is well presented and us from S.A had only the three of us i thought I best make enough noise to make up for it :lol: there is that plus I was having more fun than a pig in ****.

I don't think anyone should read too much into how beers at state level seem to get opposite results at the aabc and just accept that it happens. I'd almost agree in the comment it is a mugs game to a degree.

I have to say the standard of beer I was expecting to be awesome but the standard was even above my expectations in most cases the beers were sublime.

The bar is well and truelly been set now for nationals starting last year with this not just being the judging of the nats but it is also the premier home brewing event.
Welldone everyone, I had a wonderull few days and don't know where to start when it comes to thanking everyone I better not start naming names incase I miss someone or get names wrong but everyone knows who they are from the organisers and helpers to the judges, stewards, clubs, visitors , venues, hosts and so forth.
I did start posting a individual thanks but halfway through it was starting to read like a novel already.

I see my antics have already been mentioned but since every other state is well presented and us from S.A had only the three of us i thought I best make enough noise to make up for it :lol: there is that plus I was having more fun than a pig in ****.

I don't think anyone should read too much into how beers at state level seem to get opposite results at the aabc and just accept that it happens. I'd almost agree in the comment it is a mugs game to a degree.

I have to say the standard of beer I was expecting to be awesome but the standard was even above my expectations in most cases the beers were sublime.

The bar is well and truelly been set now for nationals starting last year with this not just being the judging of the nats but it is also the premier home brewing event.

It was great meeting you too motherf%$ker :beerbang:


Had a great time... Fantastically run event - Well done Canberra....See you all in Melbourne next year :party:

The serious side

The fun side.... Stillscottish on the pipes, Jayse doing what Jayse does :D

Cheers Ross
Only been AG brewing for a year and two top ten entries from first time entering the competition, can't complain.Thanks to the judges and sponsers.

i think and i could be wrong but the judge's aren't going to give a prefect score so the top is going to be 130'ish then all the other beers have to fit under that so no doubt that the best beer got the top then the rest just fell in order.

just a drunken thought :icon_cheers:

cheer's matho
There should be no cofusion about catergories and styles.
Thee AABC comp runs on the guidlines developed by the AABC.The AABC consists of two delegates from each State or Territory that the AABC accepts as part of the AABC. these delegates should communicate to the constituents of their State or Territory what those guidlines are, but regardless, the guidlines are up on the aabc website so any organisers wanting entry for their club or state should at a minimum make themselves familiar with the rules, styles and categories.
One's personal opine to catergorisation of styles (say BJCP vs AABC) ought not be bought to entry, for surely entry or otherwise is dependant on the organisers and not the possible entrants.
i think and i could be wrong but the judge's aren't going to give a prefect score so the top is going to be 130'ish then all the other beers have to fit under that so no doubt that the best beer got the top then the rest just fell in order.

just a drunken thought :icon_cheers:

cheer's matho

[random stream of consciousness follows...]

Whilst not always the case, most judges these days try to judge a beer on it's own merits, and if it's a great beer then it gets the mark it deserves.

Ross Mitchell did a particularly good job as Head Judge this year, stating at the commencement of each flight that people should not be afraid of giving a good beer a score in the 40's. This really set the scene, and we did see quite a few beers rate in that range - as you might expect in a second tier competition.

My bug-bear when it comes to judging is when judges won't give the first beers in a flight a high mark, even if they do deserve it. The thought proces is that something better might come along, in which case they have nowhere to go score-wise. I disagree. Judges really should be aiming to be able to identify and grade a great beer wherever it might appear in a flight. Anything else just introduces a level of subjectivity into the process, and people have gone to considerable effort over the years to create a set of styleguides that allows judging on an objective basis to take place.

Overall the standard of judging is increasing, which is really good to see since the hobby is also increasing. I know we had record numbers this year in Victoria, and other states had large numbers of entries too. It's a great sign for the hobby, and this years event only emphasised that we really are a brewing community.
