<sever rant waring>
After lurking on this thread for some time and holding my tongue, after have a few tonight I can no longer hold back.
I disagree with previous posters saying now is not the time and this is not the place.
We're all pissed off and feed up ... and we want answers ... who's to blame. Lets light the torches and get marching.
Now lets see, a bunch of volunteers put up there hand to organise our fine national competition, and for some reason it seems to all go pear shaped.
Results are not out the nano-second we want them so it easy isn't, we just blame them. We'll just whinge and complain and snipe until we have torn them down to size and "got it off our chests". That will solve it!
But wait, they are volunteers, who have taken this on in good faith, and they are trying to do the right thing by making sure all the flights are judged properly (I know by now I would be tempted to cut some corners for the sake of getting it over with).
... and they can't really be blamed for John Winston Howard calling an election on the same day (guess we have already taken care of that problem

... so what is the real problem here
well lets see, X number of flights to judge and much less then X x 3 judges ... hmmm ... OMG, not enough available judges! How could that be? Not enough judges!
So here's the crux of it. After being involved in several competitions now, it seems to almost always comes down to not enough judges.
People go on and on about the crap quality of there feedback, the time it takes to get results back, the poor organisiation blah blah blah.
Well I say don't get angry, get even. Come and make sure its done properly. Come and watch and learn how its done. You don't have to be a champion brewer to judge.
Come and help steward.
Offer to be a fourth non scoring judge if you really are not sure, but just come and participate.
Until we have more people involved in this process we will always be having these problems. Sure the comp has not been run perfectly, but which one is? But if they had a bigger pool to draw upon we would never be in this situation.
As an aside, I have to say that judging is a fantastic way of broadening your brewing experience. You will come across some of the best of beers and some of the worst of beers.
You also have a group of dedicated individuals that have so much knowledge to learn from, and in judging the gloves are off. Its none of that pussy footing around pretending that the beer is ok when you really just want to spit it out.
Don't know your diacytel from your acetic acid? Wouldn't know a phenol if it jumped and bit you on the arse? Well by the end of judging a couple of sessions you know all this and more.
So the what is the REAL problem here? The one that we can all do something about to FIX the situation? We are the problem, and we are also the solution. Get off your arse and get involved, so that next time you won't have to be fretting about the time it takes for a competition to be run.
</sever rant waring>