Ashes Tickets

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I FINALLY got access to ticketmaster this morning and purchased my tickets for the 2nd day of the First test against the POMS. woohoo!!!

It will be my sons (5) first taste of watching cricket live and who want want for better way of spending a day out with his dad then at the cricket.

Only problem is no home brew can be taken in to the GABBA...

Did anyone else have problems logging on or phoning to book tickets?

I cant wait,

old dog

Only problem is no home brew can be taken in to the GABBA...


You might find porter or dark lager in coke bottles will sneak through.
It does at the MCG ;)
thanks rob,

I might give that a go.

cheaky buggers are already putting tickets on ebay.

at premium price too.

thanks old dog
apparently the *** is trying to track down who is selling the tickets on ebay,as it is a condition that tickets not be resold at more than face value.and these tickets could be dishonered when presented for admission.

I've been trying to get through to their site for the last hour or so. It's pretty poor service in my opinion, why the hell they could,'t have thrown some more CPUs at it is beyond me. I'm scepticl though, I notice that it's running on NT. Anyway aside fom that I did jag it at one stage only to find that although I'd registered for TicketMaster I still need to register for something else and by the time I completed that form it had fallen over again. The whole thing's a bloody debacle ...

more than a little p*ssed off

Apparently the entire system was hammered prety hard today. For some reason they didn't realise that there would be so much demand.
Managed to get all the way through to entering CC details for the 26th and the bloody page had the graphics missing so I had no idea which was the accept button. This is a farce!

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