Here is a thought or two..
There is a malt made by french maltser franco-belge called special aromatic which was originally made specifically for Palm and their belgian pale ale, which is a exceptional beer. This malt is now availible to others but never heard of it in Australia, anyway at a guess this is maybe where some confusion may come from as this perticular aromatic is designed as somewhat of a base malt along the lines of munich malt, this malt is quoted as having a high DP, 'high' I gather meaning around the same as vienna and munich malts.
However other aromatic malts are possibly closer to melanoidin type being quoted as 'double' munich malts and are generally for only around 10% of the grist.
I am purely guessing the dingemanns may have great attenuation giving you the dry mouth puckering toastyness(astringency).
Suming all that I gather it would be good in a ALT aswell as a belgian pale, many english style ales and of course dunkel and bock. I also would guess it would be a good malt for mini mashing with extact brewing to add a lot of maltiness to the extract beer with just a small mash.
The other aromatic malts are listed at much lower DP then that french special one though.
I must add I have not much experience with aromatic this is just info put together from various things I have read before.