Aromatic Herbs In Your Beer

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*Looks again, laughs hysterically*

Kudos to your BribieG. A brewer has got to be able to laugh at their failed brews :p

I successfully used ground cinnamon in the ginger ale I just bottled, most of it kinda ended up in the trub though *_x, might try sticks next time.
I made a lemongrass wit, but also stupidly used homegrown Hersbruker hops, which took away the control over the balance. It was OK, but overly vegetal.

If I were to do it again, I would go with a very clean wit, perhaps balanced toward bitter for the style, a touch of corriander and a bunch of lemongrass at flameout.

+1 on the Fraoch
FWIW, I have a particular fondness for some star anise in a dry stout, however I'm not big on it in sweeter stout at all.

We have an elderberry going beserk in the back yard, have been wondering if elderflower would be a useful addition. I recall seeing a posh one at ChapChap's earlier this year, I didn't sample it though. Oh, here it is, or was something very similar at least. Hmmm, I might give elderflower a whirl if I get enthusiastic one day.

my (Swedish) girl friend buys Elderflower cordial at Ikea's, she loves the stuff.

and these guys seem to make non-alcoholic beverages with elderberries in tasmania, so trying a beer with them might work?

At Matso's brewery in Broome I had a Wit with a subtle hit of cardamom which was truly unforgettable. I am planning on trying this out in a basic hefe recipe, but just considering how best to add it. (I'm leaning towards a couple of grams of perhaps dry roasted seeds in secondary...) I recommend the place to any travellers in Broome.
I have started planting lemon balm in my yard which has a very nice and fine lemony aroma (and I suppose flavour as well) I was wondering if it can be used to add a finishing touch on top a C hop...

A member of my homebrew club, who has a reputation for being adventurous, recently brought his attempt at a lemon balm wit for everyone to sample. I suppose if he had used a small quantity that the result would have been different, but he added over 200g to a 20l batch. My mother used to buy home permanent solutions which she used for curling her hair. These solutions would stink up the whole house and would actually make your eyes burn a bit too. If you know what those perms smell like, well that's how this beer smelled and tasted.

I would advise you to use less than 200g of lemon balm in any batch of beer you brew. ;)
I make a lemon mrytle brew


coopers lager ,kit and 1 kg light malt

rack , bulk prime

run brew into long neck

add 1 washed leaf per bottle

leave for 6 weeks to carbonate and steep , a little long is better , not too long

tried kaffer lime , not as good , use 1/2 leaf , as it is stronger

thing is you can add the leaf to any brew you make as you only have to do as many as your want

also means you can try 6 to taste
Most herb infused beers I've tried haven't been wonderful though. I think it's all about subtlety. If you can pick it out, you've probably added too much.

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