Has anyone actually tried to smoke hops? Someone mentioned something about it before, and as far as I recall, hops are in the same family as dope, lol.
Can't wait to use my first actual hops in a few weeks! Woohoo! Gonna try about 100g total or so of Saaz and Cascade, so shouldnt be too overpowering.
Hops dont contain THC (tetra hydra carbinol or something) so you wouldnt get stoned, Probably cough your guts up id imagine, it would be pretty harsh on the throat.
Some people use hop pillows to help them sleep though.
Timmy does your hop to tend to make you drowsy at all? How much do you use in a cup?
I am going to try some of my Styrian Goldings in a hopbag under my pillow tonight :blink:
I really only have a couple of sips and it's only just enough to get the basic flavour out, maybe 1/2 to 1 g in a big mug.Hops dont contain THC (tetra hydra carbinol or something) so you wouldnt get stoned, Probably cough your guts up id imagine, it would be pretty harsh on the throat.
Some people use hop pillows to help them sleep though.
Timmy does your hop to tend to make you drowsy at all? How much do you use in a cup?
Another false, but widespread belief is that smoking or snorting hops can create a feeling of euphoria. Although it belongs to the same family of plants that includes marijuana, hops does not contain any of the chemicals that produce marijuana's mind-altering effects.