Hi all, I have a couple of vials of Proculture yeast. PRO-18 and PRO-2O. Are these vials ment to be added straight to 23L of standard (less than 1.060 wort) or do you have to create a starter?
No we are not going to discontinue them, if fact we will promote them even more very soon. The customer response has been fantastic to the product.Nev if you are reading this, why does it say on the Proculture pages "This Product can no longer be posted"? Are you going to discontinue them ? :unsure:
No we are not going to discontinue them, if fact we will promote them even more very soon. The customer response has been fantastic to the product.
Now , looking towards the warmer months coming up we have had to re access the seal on the lids due to pressure build up and possible leaks. The new lids are on their way and we hope to be reposting out the yeast very soon.
Is there a proculture equivalent for WY1768?
Blah, let Wyeast put 1469/1768 on limited release and get some real English yeast from Brewlabs, I'm sure they can supply something equivalent to ether/both.Now that would be glorious. However aren't we about due for Wyeast re-releasing it and 1469? I think they are a once every two-year deal? I think 1469 West Yorkshire comes out again in November.
I'm sure the info is on their website, but I thought they (like Brewlab in the UK) are associated with a University. Last time I asked they did not have any supplier/distributor outside of WA, but I'm sure you could confirm that with a quick email.An Australian company by the looks of it? It would be nice to support local industry if they offer many of the same strains as WY and WL. I would also like to know if there is a supplier in Sydney.
Pro-wood ale is 1469 isn't it? I have a slant from wolfy waiting to be used. Any suggestions on best fit Bribie?
Might have to make my own 1768 culture from some bottles of youngs. My clone has been using 1318 but I'd like to have a go with the genuine article and it will give me an excuse to sink a few.
I'm sure the info is on their website, but I thought they (like Brewlab in the UK) are associated with a University. Last time I asked they did not have any supplier/distributor outside of WA, but I'm sure you could confirm that with a quick email.
Yep, the email the guy who makes them, someone here did a week or few ago.can anyone tell me why the yeast in these vials are so dark compared to wyeast or whitelabs?