Anyone Used/made One Of These

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Hey team,

Sorry if this has been posted, but just stumbled across this whilst researching my Immersion Chiller build...

Whirlpool Immersion Chiller

Looks pretty sweet...
Paste that exact phrase into the search

"Whirlpool Immersion Chiller"

I agree with what your saying Kev, but if everone did search there would be no new threads and nothing to read <_<
I agree with what your saying Kev, but if everone did search there would be no new threads and nothing to read <_<

My Airlock isn't bubbling..... Have I ruined my beer?
My fermenter dropped below\went above 19c..... Have I ruined my beer?
I think my beer is infected because I opened the lid..... Have I ruined my beer?
My son farted in my mouth while I was sleeping and I breathed on my fermenter before brushing my teeth... Have I ruined my beer?

Use the ******* search feature for ***** sake!


I took your advice Kev and typed that exact phrase into the search box and it came up with


I won't even attempt airlock and bubbling :lol:
Hey team,

Sorry if this has been posted, but just stumbled across this whilst researching my Immersion Chiller build...

Whirlpool Immersion Chiller

Looks pretty sweet...

yes, well not exactly the same

my immersion chiller is fixed in my kettle

the whirlpool happens by drawing wort through the pickup tube via the pump and recirculating it back into the kettle and an angle

keeping the wort moving is the key, making the heat exchange work a whole lot more efficiently by preventing thermal layers building up around the coil
Nice one Bribie............BTW, what did you buy from CB???
I agree with what your saying Kev, but if everone did search there would be no new threads and nothing to read <_<

From my experience there would always be questions, but within a specific environment. I think we most certainly have the member base.

On another forum (non homebrew) that I'm a member of the mods would delete a topic such as this, as they have not even tried to research it. (I'm not asking mods here to do the same) But if someone was trying to discuss a specific point about the process that has not been done to death it would get excellent responses as people are not sick of seeing the forum flooding with the same basic questions over and over. Then we could have more detailed discussions about recirc entry angles, and reducing the outlet to 3/8 from 1/2" to increase the whirlpool effect, and peoples experience of such.

My airlock is not bubbling
My airlock is not bubbling
My airlock is not bubbling
My airlock is not bubbling

Nice one Bribie............BTW, what did you buy from CB???

Some essential equipment for the new all grain brewing method I have devised and will post on Friday.

HERMS, RIMS, BIAB, 3V roll over

The new happening thing is going to be


whats wrong with chilling and then whirlpooling?? apart from first time I used one (only once so far) with 42lt batch I got 5lts trub but I guess it had both cold and hot break so I dont mind adding little more grain and hops to make a better beer.
whats wrong with chilling and then whirlpooling?? apart from first time I used one (only once so far) with 42lt batch I got 5lts trub but I guess it had both cold and hot break so I dont mind adding little more grain and hops to make a better beer.

Nothing Wrong with it.
What the thread is about is; Automating the whirlpool process while chilling so that the wort chills faster by constantly moving over the chillers surface area.

I stir while I am chilling, then pull the chiller out and whirlpool. So its whirlpooling when chilling and whirlpooling after chiller is out. Guess it would be handy to let the chiller and pump do the stiring but I cant afford that setup so stiring every 5-10 mins will do me :)
I stir while I am chilling, then pull the chiller out and whirlpool. So its whirlpooling when chilling and whirlpooling after chiller is out. Guess it would be handy to let the chiller and pump do the stiring but I cant afford that setup so stiring every 5-10 mins will do me :)

For sure, I swirl my chiller around every 5 or 10 min for the same effect.
The benefit of the automation is that it's constant and about 20min faster to get to pitching temperature than swirling every 5 or 10 minutes.

I'm probably going to sound like an areshole, but unfortunately, that's my nature, but if you had clicked on the link and read the the article you would have had a slight understanding of what the **** is going on in the thread.
no-one cares if you're happy swirling your wort every 5 or ten minutes or if you can afford a pump or not.

If you need a cuddle to feel better, please let someone know


lol didnt read it! but that aint a first on this forum. I dont have a pump and cant afford one ATM so dont need to look at stuff that I cant afford as I will want it!! only used my immersion chilller once but I doubt it will cool 46lts of wort to 22c in 10 mins as I get 30 mins with immersion and stiring but I do have 16m of coil in the pot so that could help
lol didnt read it! but that aint a first on this forum. I dont have a pump and cant afford one ATM so dont need to look at stuff that I cant afford as I will want it!! only used my immersion chilller once but I doubt it will cool 46lts of wort to 22c in 10 mins as I get 30 mins with immersion and stiring but I do have 16m of coil in the pot so that could help

No-one cares, and thanks for not being devastated by a post on an internet forum.

You're gonna be just fine

I reckon "chiller" had the best whirlpool immersion chiller.

Twas a piece of art.


Lets see if anyone can find a picture using the "search function"?
I am glad I gave you guys something to talk about....very pleased I helped out.

Typed that exact phrase into the search and came up with a bunch of ****...nothing looking like a discussion on this piece of equipment...maybe I just didnt try hard enough. Ooops.

Have fun!

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