Anyone Tried The Coles Brand Goo?

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At around 8 dollars I am tempted to try one myself, although I will skip the suggested sugar.

Any thoughts?
At around 8 dollars I am tempted to try one myself, although I will skip the suggested sugar.

Any thoughts?

Load it up with 1kg light malt extract and steep some spec grains (try two different types to give the malt profile some variety) and find a good hop variety or two that has the aroma (and flavour) to really flavour your beer up.

It'll help avoid the whole "add the sugar thing". Maybe use US-05 yeast or Nottingham dried yeast as a change to the tin yeast.

Coles goo isn't the greatest, but if you are prepared to shell out for some decent hops, malt and yeast, I found it (in my Kit and extract days) to be adequate as a base.

I'm becoming a broken record about this, but tarting up cans of cheap goo with expensive yeast and LDME and steeped grains is like putting a Tutu on your Rotweiler and teaching it how to dance the Cancan.

Just use the LDME and BUY SOME REAL HOPS!

Your taste buds will thank me. Goo cans are Satan's Spunk.
If you are going to spend the time and money on spec grains, hops and another yeast you might as well spend the extra few bucks to get a decent goo. Say $3 diff over two cartons of beer is 6c per beer. My opinion anyway.
I'm becoming a broken record about this, but tarting up cans of cheap goo with expensive yeast and LDME and steeped grains is like putting a Tutu on your Rotweiler and teaching it how to dance the Cancan.

Just use the LDME and BUY SOME REAL HOPS!

Your taste buds will thank me. Goo cans are Satan's Spunk.

Goo with extras is a good stepping stone to extract though if you're not quite up to extract yet. Agreed with Nick in my last post on skipping the cheap lower quality goo though.
I'm becoming a broken record about this, but tarting up cans of cheap goo with expensive yeast and LDME and steeped grains is like putting a Tutu on your Rotweiler and teaching it how to dance the Cancan.

Just use the LDME and BUY SOME REAL HOPS!

Your taste buds will thank me. Goo cans are Satan's Spunk.

I agree - but I didn't want to be one of the "go AG n00b" Nazi's that sometimes populate (and fornicate) the AHB forums.

My fingers were saying "just buy some unhopped extract", but everyone needs to make their own journey. I tarted up cheap goo and that gave me the confidence to go with unhopped goo. I've done some fantastic (well they were at the time) dark beers with cheap goo and spec malts.

But also take on board earle's comment. Spend the extra few bucks - if you are doing this hobby for cheap beer, then you won't care to up-spec anything. If you are doing it for the taste, the extra cost isn't even moot.

your right though Goomba, this is were the obsession begins

Earle I agree with up too

Michael spend the $13 or so on the coppers tin plus all the extras you dare to have a go at!

Good Luck mate :party:
You get what you pay for. If you want very cheap, alcoholic fizzy drink with no flavour get some dextrose and throw that in so you can get pissed more quickly.

If you are after a beer with flavour, body and character that you enjoy drinking, go in with low expectations. Very low.
I'm becoming a broken record about this, but tarting up cans of cheap goo with expensive yeast and LDME and steeped grains is like putting a Tutu on your Rotweiler and teaching it how to dance the Cancan.

Just use the LDME and BUY SOME REAL HOPS!

Your taste buds will thank me. Goo cans are Satan's Spunk.
That's cause u don't know how to use them nick. Says a lot about u and ur brewing prowess.

Besides trading a dog to cancan is fkn talented. Not quite what u meant huh.

Now back to OP
Yes people have tried it. Have a look around the forum. Heaps of info.
But note you do get what u pay for. If u want great beer use good ingredients. U can 'tart' up the kits. Better yeast. Little bits a specialty grain, hops, brew enhancers etc will be better than a plain kit. Start somewhere, enjoy the art, learn more, brew as far as u want to go and ENJOY!
That's cause u don't know how to use them nick.

I brewed K&K for 20 years. I know how to use them. I also know that flogging your monkey is not the same as screwing a supermodel ... and making beer from cans of goo is not screwing a supermodel.
I brewed K&K for 20 years. I know how to use them. I also know that flogging your monkey is not the same as screwing a supermodel ... and making beer from cans of goo is not screwing a supermodel.
Nice analogy. I live it actually. However we supermodels are maintenance, u don't start with one, u can do heaps fine without a supermodel. Not everyone wants a supermodel.
I only have 8yrs k&k so I bow to u.... Kidding

Back to tge OP. Anyways welcome to the club. Enjoy brewing
Not everyone wants a supermodel.


remember we all started somewhere...
you can get one of these
Least your prepared to experiment..Not all have the space and equipment
also see if theres a brewing club in your area..

I almost always have a few of these handy just in case I don't get enough time to do a Partial or AG(soon) and they produce good results and I enjoy using them. Also grab a hop you like and some better yeast and your off.
Hi Mike,

I totally recommend you DO IT :) Seriously, just buy it and try it. Its $ wont be the best beer u have made, but it should be okay if your brewing methods are already producing drinkable beer.

Then do yourself a favour, for $11 odd dollars go and get a coopers premium can (not the white cans) from BIGW...they are more expensive elsewhere. These kits are much better. Mexican is pretty bland, Canadian blonde is my pick of that range, the Euro Lager is great, but it is best brewed colder eg 12deg and it takes 3months in the bottle, at least, to taste any good. The Pale Ale kit is pretty fine too...

For $3 more...that is about 5cents more per bottle (stubbies) or 10c more per bottle (longnecks)....its better to go the premium kits for $11. (and they come with better yeast then the coles cheapie)

If you havent already then one day get into using all malt, eg a tin of goo, coopers, etc, whatever, then instead of 1kg sugar/dextrose add 1kg of Light Dry'll never look back. Then you'll get into adding hops, then different yeasts (try US-05) and its ALL OVER FOR YOU :) ....hook line and sinker to better beer, much better beer than most the stuff u can buy

At around 8 dollars I am tempted to try one myself, although I will skip the suggested sugar.

Any thoughts?
Rendo has it right. I will admit to seriously screwing up an ag and then using my knowledge of brewing, use a tim off goo, extract and to fix the batch. U can do a lot with tins of goo if u understand what they are. Once u do do though, you'll be trading them in for better stuff (probably). That I agree with nik.
milla jovovich (miss multipass herself) ***** on that. So does Halle berry, Melanie griffith (before plastic), etc. Personally I think of that pic as a turnkey. Fun once but then looses it charm/cherry/interest and the desire for something a little more complicated emerges.

Nik post something worthy of a qld caseswap thread
How about Me, Milla J, Halle B, Mel G AND Jen Hawkins in an awesome FIVESOME!!! Or just themselves in an awesome foursome and we can all sit back and watch and drink some homebrew???

milla jovovich (miss multipass herself) ***** on that. So does Halle berry, Melanie griffith (before plastic), etc. Personally I think of that pic as a turnkey. Fun once but then looses it charm/cherry/interest and the desire for something a little more complicated emerges.

Nik post something worthy of a qld caseswap thread
With all the deals going around recently I've found that coopers kits etc are just about on par with homebrand anyway (might have just been lucky), saw a few kits were on sale at kmart the other day all <$10 but only ginger beer was left. BigW also is worth keeping an eye on but stocks seem to vary dramatically week to week (mine does anyway).