Sounds like someone who actually has gout should reply.
Firstly NEVER, NEVER offer Ibuprophen or Neurophen to anyone or take them unless you know for sure you are not allergic to them. They are extremely dangerous if a person is allergic.
I have suffered from gouty arthritus (Gout) for 16 years and also Meniers Syndrome which is related in a way.
Both are caused in some people by the kidneys inability to properly deal with certain compounds, and the result is higher than normal levels of uric acid in the blood. Gout occurs when uric acid levels cause calcification in joints, mainly in the extremities, commonly the big toe, ankle, knee and elbow. Gout causes extreme pain, just the weight of a bedsheet on an affected joint can be excruciating. Meneirs is caused by crystals (otoliths) forming in the inner ear (the bodys balance mechanism). The brain attempts to alter vision to suit the perceived tilt and voila, motion sickness. Having experienced seasickness it is exactly the same, inability to balance and nausea. During a Meniers attack I throw up constantly and cannot stand up, have to lie still, cant focus on anything, can last from a few days to a week, nothing they can do but put me in hospital on a drip. A travel sickness tablet carried in my wallet will stop an attack if noticed early.
Different people can be affected to varying degrees and by different trigger foods. For me, both are triggered by GINGER and manufactured ham, not ham off the bone. A friend and fellow gout sufferer cannot eat tomatoes or oranges, he gets Gout in the elbow. For many sufferers of meniers it's triggered by chocolate, alcohol and caffeine. Used to think it was caused by Scotch, but it was the gingerale that I mixed it with.
For Gout, GPs will sometimes prescribe a daily dose of Allopurinol as a preventative to guard against frequent attacks causing kidney damage. Also Colchicine may be prescribed to treat Gout attack. These give relief within hours, but cause diarrhoea for days.
See a doctor, have the blood test, then identify what triggers Gout for you, GPs are really not much help there, they will have suggestions, but you have to identify for yourself what your body doesnt like.