Anyone Got A Cracking Apa Or Ipa Recipe?

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Mister Wilson

Well-Known Member
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Hi all,

I'm gearing up for my second brew (1st was a Dr Smurto's Golden Ale) but having no idea how to put together a recipe so I thought I'd throw it out there to see if anyone has an APA or IPA recipe they care to share.

I'm BIAB'ing at the moment so if there are any out there that have a recipe tailored or BIAB that would be great otherwise I'll attempt to adapt using the late hopping techniques from the recent post.


Mr W
Check out the recipeDB, plenty in there. The 'Little Fellows', Little creatures clone spring to mind, but there is heaps more.

The Jamil show on TBN has a recipe for each style, it's a good place to start when you're unfamiliar. Unless you are one of those people that can't stand listening to the shows :p
The Jamil show on TBN has a recipe for each style, it's a good place to start when you're unfamiliar. Unless you are one of those people that can't stand listening to the shows :p

+1 for Jamils recipes
APA has turned out well chilled and no chilled
Hi Mr W,

Fellow BIABer, which might help.

I have a few of my own (shameless plug, but I only put the good'uns up, and they are all BIAB friendly):
Lord Nelson Citra Sauvin Ale

Citra SMaSH Ale - Single Malt and Single Hops, cheap and easy for BIAB

Hoppy Copper Ale - in 9L size, but not cheap per Litre

The final two I did when I was a newb as well (the last one was my second brew), so I can vouch for BIAB and Newb friendly.

The first one I finished (with bucketloads of help) recently - really good beer, and it's fairly interchangeable with other American hops (for Citra and Nelson) and other noble/british hops (for the Saaz and Tett) - it won't be the same beer, but get your software to play with the quantities to achieve a similar IBU and it'll balance out with the malt well.

Hope this helps,

Hi all,

I'm gearing up for my second brew (1st was a Dr Smurto's Golden Ale) but having no idea how to put together a recipe so I thought I'd throw it out there to see if anyone has an APA or IPA recipe they care to share.

I'm BIAB'ing at the moment so if there are any out there that have a recipe tailored or BIAB that would be great otherwise I'll attempt to adapt using the late hopping techniques from the recent post.


Mr W

Fellow BIABer... this one took out second in the APAs at the Bris club minicomp in March out of, I think 23 entries ??? in the APA. The following week it also picked up a wee gong in our minicomp at the Pine Rivers club (PUBS) so well flattered.

American Pale Ale Minicomp
American Pale Ale

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 23.0
Total Grain (kg): 5.100
Total Hops (g): 135.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.049 (P): 12.1
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (P): 3.1
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.81 %
Colour (SRM): 7.4 (EBC): 14.6
Bitterness (IBU): 40.8 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 70
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
4.750 kg Pale Malt Perle Bairds (93.14%) - sub any "clean" pale ale as this is more hop driven.
0.250 kg Torrified Wheat (4.9%) - or flaked wheat
0.100 kg Caraaroma (1.96%) - for colour

Hop Bill
15.0 g Magnum Pellet (11% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0.7 g/L)
30.0 g Cascade Pellet (5.5% Alpha) @ 20 Minutes (Boil) (1.3 g/L)
30.0 g Cascade Pellet (5.5% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (1.3 g/L)
30.0 g Centennial Pellet (9.7% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (1.3 g/L)
30.0 g Cascade Pellet (5.5% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop) (1.3 g/L)

Misc Bill

Single step Infusion at 65C for 60 Minutes.
Fermented at 19C with Wyeast 1056 - American Ale

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

Now, if you no-chill, you can just do the Magnum and Cascade boils in the main boil, then cube the wort. When cool, do the next Cascade and the Centennial the next day with some wort out of the cube in a pan, then cool it and add all to fermenter. That way you don't lose the piney citrussy flavours and aromas that can occur during the nochill process.

Edit: oops Cascade dry hop should be at 4 days.
I'm BIAB'ing at the moment so if there are any out there that have a recipe tailored or BIAB that would be great otherwise I'll attempt to adapt using the late hopping techniques from the recent post.

BIAB is just another method of all-grain brewing, therefore just about any of the thousands of all-grain recipe's out there should suit your equipment.

Thanks for the responses.

Very keen to find something that keeps the hop aromas etc.

BribieG, your recipe recipe is looking the goods. Think I'll give this bad boy a run and report back.


Mr W
0.100 kg Caraaroma (1.96%) - for colour

I'm almost ready to say that using caraaroma is cheating, as it brings out the American hop aroma like bacon and beans does a fart.
80% pale malt
10% munich
5% crystal
5% wheat

See if you can get the recipe out of these guys... Awesome IPA :icon_drool2:
I'm almost ready to say that using caraaroma is cheating, as it brings out the American hop aroma like bacon and beans does a fart.

:icon_offtopic: I am interested to hear more of your views. I would assume that bacon and beans would enhance a fart and who doesn't love a good fart, if it's your own and you get to share it! But I am confused as it seems to say that caraaroma will enhance the hop aroma but you're giving that a negative spin. Please explain.
Farting is fun, baked beans are yummy, though the by-product enhances their appeal and caraaroma (or caramunich) in APA is perfect for hop aroma.

I'm with malted - I can't see how this is a bad thing.

You can crank out consistently good quality, cheap APA. That's a good thing for me.

**** loads of pilsner, 500g caraaroma, then your choice of hops, but Por for bittering , cascade at 20min then just a bit of saaz at the en d works for me. Not a prizewinner but ******* nice
**** loads of pilsner, 500g caraaroma, then your choice of hops, but Por for bittering , cascade at 20min then just a bit of saaz at the en d works for me. Not a prizewinner but ******* nice

Sounds good Mantis :p
Simcoe APA :icon_cheers:

Good luck getting hold of any Simcoe at the moment though, but this grain bill works really well with Cascade, Centennial, Amarillo, BSaaz, Galaxy, ....ohh the list goes on....

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