Anybody tried the dollar a tin lager from Aldi?

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If it's anything like the plastic bottle 6 pack I got for $1.50 from Lidl in Germany, I'll stay well away!
16c a glass was the cheapest I found bia hoi, in hoi an. Bia hoi is f**king awesome.

Out of the commercial Viet beers, I think my favourite was Bia Saigon. If this rivet beer was anything like that I'd probably keep some round the house from time to time.
Cant ignore the inverse relationship some folks have with cost and perceived enjoyment. The heart says, this is ****, the head says, this was a $1.
manson81 said:
16c a glass was the cheapest I found bia hoi, in hoi an. Bia hoi is f**king awesome.
Agree - it's f**king awesome, but it is pretty ordinary beer. What makes it awesome and memorable is the setting (and the price) - a street-side cafe in Vietnam with all the sights, smells and sounds of Asian street life going on around you, and the wife browsing in some handicrafts shop next door. "Take as long as you like, dear!"
Whilst I dont mind the asian lagers (when in asia especially) the $1 a tin sounds a bit too dodgy for my liking.

I would rather drink the yeast nutrient out of a wyeast pack
i just had my first taste. its not offensive like VB, it just tastes really plain, maybe even ricey? i've gone from a australian edition duff beer which i thought tasted plain to an even plainer rivet lager. why?????? just had to know.
jaypes said:
I would rather drink the yeast nutrient out of a wyeast pack
You would fart a lot.
Haha. Dont need any assistance in that department!
Just before I got back into brewing after a long hiatus, BWS had 24 500ml cans of oettinger for around $40. How bad can beer made under Germany's purity laws be?
they still do have that Contrarian usually once a month or once evey 2 months but its $44 standard so not much off anyway. But I get 5% off as wife works at wollies so its $42 usually or $38 on special. Its not great but when you have nothing its best beer you can get for that money. Online store shows them as $40 still they been hovering around that for last month or so, must of got heaps in cheap as before that they ran out every other week
contrarian said:
Just before I got back into brewing after a long hiatus, BWS had 24 500ml cans of oettinger for around $40. How bad can beer made under Germany's purity laws be?
The purity law hasn't been a law for a long time now. German breweries can use sugar or adjuncts like any other brewery
peas_and_corn said:
The purity law hasn't been a law for a long time now. German breweries can use sugar or adjuncts like any other brewery
They can if they wish, but in practice they don't. However what the German megas tend to do is an infusion mash then ferment at 13 degrees and lager for only ten days, and use hop extract or as it's listed on the Oettinger tin "hopsextract".
Still, it's better than VB.
Step outside Germany, particularly to Holland, and the labels also nearly always read "Malted Barley, Maltose, Hop Extract...". With the Maltose probably coming from maize or potatoes or something.
Talking of Aldi, there's been a wonderful development in Taree. The local council refused Aldi a liquor licence on the basis that there were already too many licences in Taree and that if Aldi sold liquor it would encourage the indigenous to drink hot cartons down by the river.

Anyway the corrupt council let Coles take over the licence for the defunct Vic Hotel so they could build a new Liquorland drive through. Right next to the riverbank where the bro's gather, as well as just over the bridge from Purfleet. Hellooooo.

Coles failed to proceed with the project so the licence is up for grabs again and Aldi have put in a submission.

Aldi have got the council by the balls here, because they can't argue that it would be an additional licence.

Aldi argue that they are a km up the hill from the indigenes park, that they won't be selling chilled single bottles as the drive through would have done, and that they will only be open store hours anyway.

So in due course I might get to enjoy the wonders of Rivet locally . :beerbang: :beerbang: :beerbang: :beerbang:
Away for a long weekend with the missus and running losing bottle stock so headed into Aldi. Walked out with a 30 can block of Rivet Gold. It's actually drinkable and servicing me well at $29. I had intended the German range but it was not stocked at my local.
Heading over to Lismore today, and I'll be picking up a slab of Rivet blue. The weird thing about Rivet is that you can slam it down hot, straight from the can, and it doesn't have that wheelie bin flavour that most Australian megas seem to get as they warm up.
My kegs are still empty as my brewery only got cranked back up again three weeks ago following house move, so Rivet is the go for the next month or so, with the odd case of Oettinger 500ml cans from BWS... good value at $40 for 24.
My next brew will be a double batch of rice lager, lightly hopped with Dr Rudi and I reckon I'll nail that rivet yet :beerbang:
"Mot Hai Ba"

Won't be trying 'Bia Hoi' via Aldi but enjoyed it sitting on a pre-school sized plastic stool located on a street corner in Hanoi. And nowhere near a dollar!

I realise this thread has been resurrected, but I'm wondering about stm's post about dozen before this one. Maybe I've had a few too many drinks, but why the heck would he enjoy a beer on a Vietnamese street while his wife was shopping in a handcuffs store. I've definately had several too many or stm married a real keeper! :p
All I got out of this thread was that someone in the world finds tun bitter drinkable.

I've known glues that were more palatable (incidentally a key ingredient in tun).
manticle said:
All I got out of this thread was that someone in the world finds tun bitter drinkable.

I've known glues that were more palatable (incidentally a key ingredient in tun).
And also 'fun'.