Any potential issues with this heating setup?

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Matty McFly

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Brunswick, Melbourne
Hey gang,

I've set up this primitive yet hopefully effective heater to keep my brew around 20 degrees.


For anyone wondering, it's an aquarium heater in around 20L of water atop a plate (for a little insulation from the plastic) that I'm going to put my fermenter in.

Once the fermenter is in, it's sitting quite close to the heater. Could this potentially raise the heat above 20 degrees? I'd like to avoid that.

I also don't want to burn down my house, or worse - ruin my beer.
Nice idea Matty. I've not seen it before but i would imagine that it would give a very stable environment to the fermenter. The fluid level would need to come up high on the fermenter for the best effect. If you want to ferment the beer at X temp the maybe set the heater to perhaps two degrees below that.
Nice idea Matty. I've not seen it before but i would imagine that it would give a very stable environment to the fermenter. The fluid level would need to come up high on the fermenter for the best effect. If you want to ferment the beer at X temp the maybe set the heater to perhaps two degrees below that.

So far so good! It's been over 24hrs since I put it in and it's been sitting at a stable 18 degrees the whole time. (I left the water a bit lower as the heater's minimum is 20 degrees.)

An added bonus: I've been at work all day and came home to an intact house and fermenter.
Good to hear Matty. I forgot to add that when you drain the water and get ready to keg/bottle the beer make sure you give the tap a good spray with some sanitiser.
why dont you just introduce a simple temp controller? whilst its a pretty ingenious idea other methods are a lot more practical and efficient.

love the dinner plate as an anchor.
why dont you just introduce a simple temp controller? whilst its a pretty ingenious idea other methods are a lot more practical and efficient.

love the dinner plate as an anchor.

A temp controller for the heater? Or attached to a fridge? Actually considering a fermentation fridge, though I'm in no huge hurry. If I happen along one I'll definitely set up a temp controller. Meanwhile, my aquatic pale ale is fermenting smoothly.
You could use one for both. Just place the thermister in the water in your current setup.
It may do. Iam not teally familiar with aquarium hearers and wouldnt know what an aquariums optimal setpoint would be.

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