And Thats When The Sobbing Started

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I want to share with you a tale of woe...

It all started like every other day, got home from work played with the kids, spent some quality family time over dinner and watched "an Idiot abroad" with the wife . Off to the BrewShed i go, Pot glass in hand for my nightly ritual of testing ,tasting and general pondering about everything beer . First up refrac test of the American Amber that i'd lovingly prepared earlier mmmmmm tasting good, ferments finished and dry hopping had started jolly good i say. Next stop beersmith and EZYwater to continue planning my next beer, an oatmeal stout, pauses for a second , licks lips geez i could go a beer.

I grab the tap handle open her up she lets out a couple of spits then nothing WTF i say. As i open the lid of my chest freezer kegerator (you can see where this is going ) i notice a lot of ice around the insides , i grab the keg give it a shake and nothing FROZEN F...ING SOLID as are the three other kegs, i start saying to myself " its still good, its still good " i convince myself it'll be fine.


I start thinking , i saw the person formerly known as my 18 month old son Archie suspiciously playing near my kegerator yesterday looked down and he'd hit the deep freeze switch. Bugger.

Now the next bit is a bit fuzzy, i think i may of blacked out.

Just as i worked out who the culprit was, i realised my 6 year old Magnum of Chimay Blue (which i had bought when the person formerly known as my son was born) was sitting next to my frozen popsicle kegs.

I reached in and my worst fears we're realized .



and thats when the sobbing started

That is devastating, he obviously isn't a chimay fan.
My heart goes out to you....
We had a son 5 weeks ago...I'm worries about what is going to happen when he gets mobile...hmm..shed stays locked i think...
I've bought him a lambic that has a best before 2029....maybe he will appreciate it then or as my wife said...sour beer..hhmm..thats for you isn't its for when he turns 18...
Can you find somwhere online to buy another bottle ?
Don't know what else to say...
That is heartbreaking, mate. Was it like this: or more of a gentle sob?
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Jesus mate, what a *******. I'll keep my eye out for another one mate. Has security been increased in the bar, maybe a photo of Archie on the back wall of the bar. :)

Thats a real bugger
I'd be taking that switch off before you put another magnum in.
Might make a good story at his 21st.
I feel your pain...

but in the grand scheme of things, you still have the boy. He will bring you much more happiness (and frustration and anger and indeed, more sadness) over the years than the Chimay would have.

Chin up, mate... ;)
Sorry Brett. Felt like sobbing in sympathy mate!!!!!!!!! A story for the once returned to the fold son's 18th birthday party methinks :lol: scoop up whats left and bottle it, make him drink it then :lol:

Not good about the bottle. Time for a stc-1000 mounted out of kid reach.

Reminds me about my son many years ago, he was a young toddler at the time. Found a pair of daddys pliers, and what was daddy using them for earlier that day? "cutting a cord". The only difference daddy didn't cut one that was plugged in! The RCD did cut out, but only after the son cut all the way through and the 240v managed to blow a hole into the pliers. Luckily they were 240v rated pliers and my son's only shock was the shock of seeing sparks from it.

I've still got them, and have to sometimes remind him of what he did.

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."
-- Mel Brooks

You sir, have tragedy.
My condolances :(

I first got my current kegorator (in the kitchen) when the kids were that young. I feared that same situation, so taped over the deep freeze button so it couldn't be used, and mounted the temp mate around the back well out of even the most inquisitive of fingers.
It has served me well.

"Lagering : A Smashed and frozen Magnum of Chimay Blue" :(

Sorry to hear mate, having never bought/tasted CB i cant fathom the pain you must be enduring.
There is a strong market for children......may help to replace the Chimay.

Just one of many stories you will tell for years to come.

Bummer :unsure:
Oh dear!,time to go and child proof the shed!
Caught my young bloke giggling to himself last weekend,stuck my head into the shed and there he was....hanging off the beer tap laughing as litres of my Baltic Porter poured all over the ground.The bloody dog loved it though!! :(
In ancient times, they used to have a thing called a drink offering. They would pour out a drink on the ground in honour of ...whoever the offering was for. So since you bought this when your son was born, consider it the perfect drink offering to celebrate that kids are fantastic, and do stuff like this that makes for memories.

(I dunno - i'm trying really hard to put a philosophical spin on your anguish!)