Anawbs 2007 Results

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I guess you are stocked then!

I hope you save some for the next time we cross paths.
Will do Kai.Your name is now on a bottle.

Big D
Congratulations all place getters,

And thanks to the organisers, judges, and stewards.

Keen to get the judging sheets back so that I can have a better go at it next year. :)
Niice work Big D, Vlad & Kook

keepin it 'Real' in WA :icon_chickcheers:

How many enterants did you get Stu?


262 beers in 20 categories. Up 22% on last year - but still lots of room for growth.

And there will be more classes added next year as well as expansion of a couple of others.

In recovery mode this morning, after what was a really good presentations show, with great beer and wine flowing in abundance :beer:

Delicate though I am, I have just got the HLT out and on and am beginning to weight out grains ;) What better way to recover from beer overload than by making more beer B) ??
Hey everyone, thanks for the kind words.

I'd like to say thanks to Wee Stu and all the other guys involved in the ANAWBS, after talking to Stu... it sounds like the comp had some really high class administration and organisation going on... as well as judges with impeccable taste of course :rolleyes: :p But seriously, I'm really stoked to have been given good scores by judges of that caliber.

I'm pretty surprised and a little overwhelmed at doing as well as I did, especially with the obviously high standard of the beers that were entered.

Unfortunately as much as I would like to report that either of the beers I did well with were BIAB brews... I'm afraid they weren't. Both brewed on my HERMS.
I did enter two BIAB beers.. but never expected them to do well. An IPA that I had to tap out of the fermentor and bottle on the closing day for entries, I am only bottling the rest of the batch if it did well it would be a miracle; and an English Barleywine that is only a few months old and still too hot and not well enough aged. But I wanted some feedback to see if there were any "expected" BIAB faults. We'll just have to wait for the full results and the feedback sheets to see what the judges thought of my BIAB efforts.

Great to see that James Squire got a place for an "All in One" brew .. he started the whole damn thing in the first place, so its cool to see him pick up the first (I think) award for beer made in this sort of way. Congrats JS.

Once again, thanks very much to the organisers and sponsors, congratulations to the other place getters especially John, Greg and Peter for taking out the other major gongs.

Can't get the grin off my face :D

Cheers everyone

:D :D Woohoo a first!, and a third, I had high hopes for my AIPA and not a second thought for how the APA would score so I am very pleased with the results and can't wait to get the score sheets back to see why the other beers I submitted sank without a trace, so I can make them better for next year! Thanks Stu x2
Our regular website master is a little indisposed at the moment, so there may be a slight delay in getting full results posted on the web - but we are working on it and I will, naturally, let everyone know once they are up.

In the meantime, if you are looking for your particular individual scores contact me by email or pm and I shall see what i can do. If you post under an obscure tag, or are not already known to me, you will have to provide me with further information - such as real name, classes you entered etc - before I will divulge the information to you.

Half an hour of the mash to go - I can feel a BJCP competition report calling me <_<

awrabest, stu
Half an hour of the mash to go - I can feel a BJCP competition report calling me <_<
Keep listening to it stu.

If any one gets a score sheet that has been done by me and you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I can't promise to remember every beer but if you have any questions about my comments I would be more than happy to try and answer. I want to improve my judging too so any feedback you have is appreciated.

I do remember that American Brown though BigD, it was a cracker.
well done to all the winners and placegetters :super: and all involved.
must have been hard judging the paddle, my Kolsch came =9th with a
score of 39.5 for a bronze. So between 9th and first place there was only
a difference of 4.35 points. Thats pretty good brewing by everyone involved.
Well done to all.
I'll echo what Aaron said and wouldn't mind getting some feedback on how helpfull my ramblings and notes are wether good bad or indifferent. Or simply you might want it decoded ;) Some people will get judging sheets back with next to no blank space left whatso ever from me. Thats not just the parts on the form for judging comments I tend to write everywhere including around the edges if I run out of room, pretty much any blank space available.

It would be good to hear back from brewers.

Cheers brewers.
This is a fantastic offer from Aaron and Jayse for further help/ideas/explanation on the beers they judged.It will be a great two way street between judges and competitors to help get a better understanding of beers judged and hopefully helping out both.

Well done guys
Big D
I would just like to say a hearty congrats to all place getters in this years ANAWBS, and a special mention must go to John Kennedy from QLD for taking out Most Successful Brewer! Well done to all!! :beer:

I was lucky enough to be on the judging panel this year and got to judge Johns wheat beer....WOW!!! That was absolutely amazing!!

Working behind the scenes on both judging days you really get to see how much time, effort and sheer man power dedication that goes into judging and stewarding. I truely think not just the winners should get thanked, but a pat on the back to all judges and beer stewarts (and of course Wee Stu) for pulling the whole thing together.

Both myself from previous years and all other entrants should sleep easy knowing the ANAWBS is an extreemly professional run event in every aspect.


Mudsta :beerbang:
a.k.a Justin Murdock
Congrats to all. I recognise a few names there. Well done!
I'll echo what Aaron said and wouldn't mind getting some feedback on how helpfull my ramblings and notes are wether good bad or indifferent. Or simply you might want it decoded ;) Some people will get judging sheets back with next to no blank space left whatso ever from me. Thats not just the parts on the form for judging comments I tend to write everywhere including around the edges if I run out of room, pretty much any blank space available.

It would be good to hear back from brewers.

Cheers brewers.

Thanks for the offer Jayse and Aaron, I believe that most brewers would have a pretty fair understanding of how well their beer matches its style criteria, and would well know where any weaknesses lie in their entries. Often a beer may be considered by it's maker to be off style or have flaws due to some systemic problem such as missing strike temp or maybe too long a sparge. Sometimes the brewer realises a fault exists from a sample going into the fermenter and sometimes a flaw develops during fermentation which is recognisable afterwards, you try a bottle or two during conditioning and flaws are evident, maybe lack of head retention, clarity issues or such like. Still we've tried hard to produce our best effort and those misshaps do occur in brewing, and the beer still turns out to be pretty good. So we enter our beers in a comp, why not, you never know what stuff ups the other brewers may have made. Isn't that what comps are all about, the best of the beers on the day, the beer with less off style characteristics and flaws wins.

For me entering competitions is all about reinforcement of my own opinions regarding a beer. I want to know how to produce the best beer, if I can't recognise a good beer then I'm always going to have difficulty in achieving this. Judges feedback is very important, and I accept the feedback no matter what, if I don't agree with one judges comments, well thats no biggie, but if I don't agree with a convergence of opinions on a beer from a number of judges, then it's me who must adjust my point of view. I look forward to being able to further discuss judges comments, but we must all know and understand that the game is over the whistle has blown and tomorrow is another day, there is no point in being critical of the referee. I love it when judging notes match my perception of a beer from a style point of view, that largely depends upon the choice of ingredients, the method of mashing, hoping, fermenting and conditioning of the beer to produce a beer to style. But when a judge picks the flaws which as the brewer of the beer I know exist, that gives me a real buzz. We need to have confidence in our judges and from the point of view of the brewer, accurate feedback is our measure of that confidence.


That is extremely well said mate!! Certainly an excellent attitude to have toward judging and competing alike. :D

For those of you interested about behind the scenes, I have just posted an article on the ANAWBS beer judging on my web site.
Check it out here

:excl: Affiliated - I represent Yorke Brewing and we are a proud gold sponsor of the 2007 ANAWBS.

Brewing at every level should always be encouraged!!


Mudsta :beerbang:
Web updating is proving a little slow.

Here are the full beer results in PDF form.

View attachment ANAWBS_2007_results.pdf

Void entries are those received broken :( , not received at all :huh: , or entered into a clearly inappropriate class after the suitable class had already been judged :unsure:
Hey Guys,

wee stu has kindly asked me to post up my beer label as it won the modern label comp with a score of 18/20 and a silver medal.



anyone else on ahb have a bash at this and wanna post theirs up, or was it a one horse race :D