Hey everyone, thanks for the kind words.
I'd like to say thanks to Wee Stu and all the other guys involved in the ANAWBS, after talking to Stu... it sounds like the comp had some really high class administration and organisation going on... as well as judges with impeccable taste of course

But seriously, I'm really stoked to have been given good scores by judges of that caliber.
I'm pretty surprised and a little overwhelmed at doing as well as I did, especially with the obviously high standard of the beers that were entered.
Unfortunately as much as I would like to report that either of the beers I did well with were BIAB brews... I'm afraid they weren't. Both brewed on my HERMS.
I did enter two BIAB beers.. but never expected them to do well. An IPA that I had to tap out of the fermentor and bottle on the closing day for entries, I am only bottling the rest of the batch today...so if it did well it would be a miracle; and an English Barleywine that is only a few months old and still too hot and not well enough aged. But I wanted some feedback to see if there were any "expected" BIAB faults. We'll just have to wait for the full results and the feedback sheets to see what the judges thought of my BIAB efforts.
Great to see that James Squire got a place for an "All in One" brew .. he started the whole damn thing in the first place, so its cool to see him pick up the first (I think) award for beer made in this sort of way. Congrats JS.
Once again, thanks very much to the organisers and sponsors, congratulations to the other place getters especially John, Greg and Peter for taking out the other major gongs.
Can't get the grin off my face
Cheers everyone