An open discussion on moderation.

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I posed the question in the “Acceptable Sales” thread - and it was suggested this was not a good idea.

I disagree - but rather than take that thread OT I am starting this. I don’t believe it breaks rules – I interpret the rules to be about challenging actual moderation decisions in public. This is about hearing views about what moderation should look like.

Mods/Admin – if I am wrong feel free to lock or delete. But I believe some open discussion would be good for our community

I am not proposing discussion or arguments over the merits of specific moderation decisions that have happened previously.

Given this is supposed to be a community and the mods are discussing their moderation policy - why not elicit the views of the community as to what we think is ideal moderation.

So post your thoughts without having personal attacks. Ask your questions. Post a scenario etc.

But let’s gets some frank adult conversation happening about moderation. We are seeing more and more members disgruntled and leave because of their views on moderation.
GrumpyPaul said:
Given...the mods are discussing their moderation policy
I'd be surprised if this were the case given that this was done by admin only a few months ago. The comment you're referring to would more likely be about how to deal with transgressions right now (real or imagined).

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

[EDIT: typos]
Good topic and timely. I have given my views previously.

Moderation (from experience) needs to be #1 consistent. It needs to be clear, acted on early and firmly. It doesn't need to be draconian, argued about or negotiated. It does need to be simply explained when it happens, publicly and privately. A one sentence line about what rule was breached and where does much more than someone trying to argue semantics for three pages. A losing battle if you will.

The phrase walk softly and carry a big stick comes to mind.

So long as everyone knows where the boundaries are they are explained by two or three rules, they are enforced always and consistently, the mod team come on and say you are getting near a boundary and then say this thread has been edited cause there is some idiots here who don't listen and then give a PM to the crosser of boundaries explaining what and why the breach of rules is i have found there is no problem and very little complaints about moderation.

I moderate on 3 different sites that all run very smoothly, and although i have had that experience dismissed by mods here because the traffic on two of them is lighter, the fact remains that consistent, transparent moderation results in less dissatisfaction from users. The fact also remains that the number of hits has **** all to do with policy and user satisfaction.
Moderators are members first, mods second.

Consistency is what we are aiming for and that is what is being discussed. I for one welcome contributions on expectation/desires from non modding members PROVIDED they are politely and respectfully offered, are sensible and the user realises that the decision will ultimately rest with the mods as a whole and finally with admin. Basically we want to iron out the shit and get the board to a place where people feel welcome, can gain technical knowledge at all levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and ask and answer questions without threads devolving into an unnecessary shitfight or complete derailment which unfortunately is more common in the last few years.

It's inevitable as membership grows that this stuff increases - older members get bored with same old, newer members don't know the ropes, etc. However if you treat this place like you treat a physical case swap and treat other users as you would if you were in their actual presence, a lot of the shit would disappear and the modding would be less of an issue.

It's a fine balance and it may take us some time to work it out. It will also be evolving so while we aim for consistency, we hope not to sacrifice learning, growing and adapting just for the sake of all appearing the same.

As always, discussion of home distilling, spam and outright attacks on members will face immediate action (locking, banning, deletion, etc) but the rest is not hard. Talk about beer or whatever other sub topic/off topic is relevant to the thread, try not to have pages of off topic bandwitdth waste and treat each other like human beings. Only say to each other what you would say in real life and we will all go a long way.

Beyond knowing mods are attempting to work out consistency between new mods, the above is my opinion as a member and has remained unchanged since I first met the internet. I speak for myself, not other members or mods.
manticle said:
......... However if you treat this place like you treat a physical case swap and treat other users as you would if you were in their actual presence, a lot of the shit would disappear and the modding would be less of an issue.
Its funny you should say that..Last weekend at the Bayside Brewers Christmas party we got talking about the case swaps on here. I asked one of the members that had been to the last one does everyone get pissed and start bringing up shit that happens on here, arguing etc etc. He said no quite the opposite actually, everyone treats each other with respect and gets along really well.

(I got the feeling you guys sing Kumbaya and do trust falls later at night, but he wasnt letting on about any of that)

Its just a pity that the same courtesy isnt extended when some of you are hiding behind a keyboard.
This thread has been locked. The OP was contacted. An announcement will be made later this evening regarding moderation guidelines., please be patient
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