Amarillo And Rye

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Rye malt and amarillo hops - is this a good combination?
Any recipe suggestions?
Any tips on using rye malt - eg. is it prone to stuck mashes?
Two great ingredients you have picked there :beerbang:

Rye is the evil twin of wheat... a mongrel to crack and turns the mash to glue. If you havent tried it before I would brew something simple first so the rye shines and you get the full experience. 20% rye is the recommended max and is a good place to start, make the rest base malt and go light on the finishing hops.

Enjoy :chug:
All Jye's said. :D

Rye is tougher than wheat to mill. It does tend to glue everything up. I'd recommend doing a mash out to get the grain bed up to the low-mid 70s. That gets everything a bit more viscous and then you should have much less trouble with the sparge.

20% sounds about right to get some rye flavour. Amarillo will work, and something a bit spicy like Tettnanger would work well too. There are a few APA recipes about. ;) Just sub the rye for some of the base malt and/or wheat.

I should be getting half a bag of rye soon. :wub:
If you try the Rye, and like it, I suggest Denny Conn's IPA recipe. I've done it changing the hops around countless times....all partials until just recently. Loved how the All Amarillo version turned out, but would probably keep the IBU's = to the OG... I went a touch over (~20), but that's how i like it.

make sure you have rice gulls on hand

think...... porridge

well mine at 40% was

Would a combo of Amarillo, and Ahtanum with Santiam work well with Rye?

I've been keen to have a go with a bit of Rye as part of the next brew.
Should be fine, just keep it to about 30 IBUs and low on the finishing hops.

Ive been meaning to use Ahtanum for a while and look forward to hear what you think of it.
I have some rye on hand and am contemplating this recipe:
20% rye
20% smoked grain
30% munich
30% pilsner

og 1.050
IBU 25-28 Amarillo
flavour 1/2 gm/litre amarillo
aeoma 1/2 gm/litre amarillo
yeast saf-05

May bump the rye up to 30% and have plenty of rice gulls on hand.

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