All Grain Or Extract

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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AG or Extract brewer?

  • Extract

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All Grain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bit of both

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
my Father still brews k&ks:
1 can coopers stout + 1 kilo of cheap sugar, fermented at 27C religiously. If they don't finish in 5 days it's a drama. I've told him about Tucan stouts and given him malt packs. He said "the bloke in the caravan park thought it was rocket fuel!" and he's back brewing the same old K&Ks again. My Uncle swears by the same method for his stouts. Horses for courses.
....and this horse hasn't tasted a great extract brew (yet?) Build a bridge.........
Had a **** of a day at work today, so I come home for a beer, some pizza and a play on AHB. I poked my head into this thread when it was still on page one, voted, but didnt bother posting, figured I would do it another time. Today, it is TEN BLOODY PAGES!!! :eek: SO, I brew AG, just because I find it challenging, and enjoyable, alot like cooking, which I also love to do from scratch as much as possible. I make alot of mess doing that too, but I cant hose the kitchen floor <_< . I started doing K+K then progressed down the slope until I got wheer I am now. I have always found my kit and extract beers to have a residual sweetness that immediately identified it as "home brew", and it is a taste I dont enjoy, so I moved to something I do enjoy the taste of. I dont believe I have ever tried a kit beer that I thought tasted great, but understand that kit brewers seem to win more comps than AG'ers, so I am looking forward to trying the kit beers in the july case swap. No doubt some of them will be ranked more highly than my AG offering, and I will freely offer my voice when I consider that to have been the case. At the end of the day, we are all just here to make better beer, so I hope that is what this forum has done for everyone else, it has for me. And, after my **** of a day, I was freakin cacking myself with laughter at some of the posts on here, and now I feel better, so big thanks to all the funny buggers! Thats the main reason I wanted to post - you guys are hilarious! :super:
All the best
PS Someone bait Weizguy into posting, it will be his thousandth post, and I would give him curry if it were in here B)
I'll keep feeding it if you like............

Not only are you all fat and have mums in army boots your missus came around my house yesterday while you were at work, can you all ask your wives/sisters/daughters to make appointments? as i'am getting a little inundated here. :lol:

Caught between heaven and hell
And let's not get started on mothers that are hamsters and fathers that smell of elderberries. :p

Warren -
I got hooked on brewing when I tasted my very first beer, which was a Coopers Lager kit made with a 1kg pack of Coopers brewing sugar (the stuff with maltodextrin in it).

I still remember the anticipation as the bottles conditioned, then cracking that first tallie on a hot February afternoon just after mowing the lawn. And it was beer! Real beer, and at least as good as pot of XXXX at The Glen.

My wife knew there and then that she had created a monster by giving me a Coopers homebrew setup for my birthday.

Hahahaha that was like my first success I honestly didnt know what to expect it was two weeks in the bottle and then I poured and it was like... - Looks like beer, it has bubbles!

I then smelt it - Smells like beer!

Tasted it, "Its beer!"

Was a wonderful experience.
I'll keep feeding it if you like............

Not only are you all fat and have mums in army boots your missus came around my house yesterday while you were at work, can you all ask your wives/sisters/daughters to make appointments? as i'am getting a little inundated here. :lol:

Caught between heaven and hell
Yeah well I heard from reputable sources that your underwear smells and you fight like a girl! LOL

This thread's a bloody crack up :beer:

I brew, I wait and I drink ... then I do it all over again. Can't be happier :chug:
Holy crap! Have a day off work and come back to this marathon! Im speechless! Guess what im brewing tomorrow? ESB 3kg APA, with US56 with my own addition of cascade and amarillo in secondary!!! :ph34r:

P.S. All grain brewers smell of poo n wee n stuff :p
All together now. You know the tune.

AG! AG! AG! Oi! Oi! Oi!
AG! AG! AG! Oi! Oi! Oi!
AG! Oi! AG! Oi!
AG! AG! AG! Oi! Oi! Oi! :super:

Go the Socceroos!
K & K & KK oi oi oi
K & K & KK oi oi oi
K & K & KK oi oi oi

****! When you type that out if looks as if i should be wearing a white hood! Please note i have never, am not and never will wear one.

Go the Aussies. Sack the ref!
You've just given me a hilarious mental image of a bunch of white hooded K&K brewers carrying torches and looking for snobby AGers to tar & feather
I think us all-grainers need to retire to the grand lodge and practice our secret handshakes. Getting dangerous out there.
I am up for some lynching :{

I'll bring the tin of petrol to burn the mash tun esky things with metal grates in the bottom!
You bring the grinder to chop up those big keg boil pot things! :lol:

A bunch of white hooded K&K brewers carrying torches and looking for cruelly oppressed AGers to tar & feather

Mash power! We are the Black Mashers fighting the KKK supremacists! :p
I am up for some lynching :{

I'll bring the tin of petrol to burn the mash tun esky things with metal grates in the bottom!
You bring the grinder to chop up those big keg boil pot things! :lol:


..... :lol: and you know were the mashmaster thermometers goes dont you? eh? eh? :lol:

Steve and Drew's army. :lol:

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