Just had to let you quickly know how great this beer is. I kegged and filtered the brew that I brewed a week ago and took a few bottles around to a lunch of 18 people ranging in ages from 18 to 55 and of both sexes. The comments were mind-blowing and I had to duck home and bring the keg around. One of the oldest guys said, "I can honestly say that this is three times nicer than the best beer I have ever had."
This was the one where I buggered up and put the flavour hop addition in first due to a mis-read of your recipe. This actually turned out even better balanced than the first one.
This is definitely going to remain a permanent fixture in my fridge. I love it and have also given it a special mention in the first post of the new
A Guide to All-Grain Brewing In A Bag
Thanks a heap for this recipe mate and wishing you a total absence of airborne nasties.