Ales Or Lagers?, Which Do You Prefer?

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Ales or Lagers; Which do you prefer ?

  • Ales

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lagers

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm pretty flexible really - doesnt matter what it is I like it - bitter, lager or ale I like em all. If someone were to hold gun to my head and say "Choose one" I might have to plump for a bitter - hang on maybe a lager - but then ales are nice too :blink:

Now Im just completely confused lol..........................
A typical biased poll.Where is the one to tick if your a beer enjoyer like me who loves both ales and lagers in no particular order.I havent voted due to this ;)

Big D
Ales mainly in winter
Lagers mainly in summer (along with a good wheat beer or two)

No real preference but I tend to brew ales more than lagers as they are easier...
I'm an ale drinker and brewer. I thought ales would be all that I would brew, but I am thinking again.

I recently had my first taste of some really good lagers - Paulaner Octoberfest, Budvar, Trumer Pils, imported Urquell. Now I'm not as much of an ale nut.

I picked up a 2nd fermenting fridge the other day. My new lagering fridge.
Personally I'd say I'm a lager man, but I can never knock back a good ale... Best of both worlds!

I'm with Bazza.... Brew Lagers in winter for consumption in summer (If I last that long), and brew Ales in summer for drinking in winter.

I guess at the end of the day, I like BEER! ;)

Have never let the weather dictate my drinking - love a stout as much in summer as winter- never really understood this lager in summer, stout in winter mentality.
Brew more ales than lagers, but a craft brewed lager can be every bit as enjolyable... :chug:

Cheers ross
Good Day
Drink both, brew both, love both.
When some say they don't like lagers which lagers do they mean. Huge difference between German pils and a doppelbock, a helles and a schwarzbier, an oktoberfest and Bohemian Pils. Malt, hops, chocolate, toast, roast, everthing and anything in lagers just like ales.
Will brew an Oktoberfest and rauchbier on the weekend and I will just have to put up with the lack of flavour. :D
Nice wun Batz "

I agree Duff

"your not a real brewer until you have brewed a good lager" .

I love ales but I have beer suprised what good results you can get brewing lagers my lagers seem to have a lot of flavour which I enjoy .

Pumpy :)

I have brewed lagers others have liked but they were not to my taste :( had one on tap for ages as I did not drink it, the inlaws/outlaws and friends drank it and loved it :) not me.
I worked in a large megaswill brewery making yellow fizzy stuff they called lager [no names] maybe that's the reason. <_<
I can never make up my mind about this cause I swing b/w the 2 equally. :blink:

When I'm hankering for Ale, I make a heap of it, drink it for a while then start getting the urg to make and drink lagers and vise versa.
Im the same as Tony. I like both and brew both. Being an ex Pom I grew up drinking ales - hardly ever drank lagers unless it was really hot (like I said hardly ever). I prefer drinking lagers in summer and ales in winter. Last summer in I missed timed my lager brewing schedule and ended up having nothing but ales n stouts to drink in 40 degree heat. Just doesnt cut it like a clean fresh quaffing lager.
Hmmm some intereting responses. I guess for me ales are much easier and quicke to make, and are more forgiving. However, i do like lagers, especially pilsners, and helles, and dunkels, and haha etc !!. Im really enjoying a blonde i just made with 1007, so i guess its kind of a hybrid, as due to weather, it fermented at 12c.

Next brew will be a pils by the way, mostly pils malt, a little carapils, NB hops, 2278, and 25g ( the last ) of my spalt dry hopped in the keg.

Cheers people
Huge difference between German pils and a doppelbock, a helles and a schwarzbier, an oktoberfest and Bohemian Pils.

Good point. But look at the range of ales: weizen, koelsch, mild, bitter, alt, wit, stout, barleywine, porter, summer ale... If extremety of character you seek, ale is the path.

I likes me ales, but I've really enjoyed some great lagers too. I don't have the patience for 6 weeks grain to brain, either. Nice when others brew them, tho. I wish I could pull back my ale vote now and join the abstainers.
i used to bag "lager-lovers" but at the moment i'm tasting the hydrometer samples of #2 of 3 Bo-Pilsners and I'm bloody hooked again. It's opened up another world of brewing and opened my eyes to the differences in these beers.
I still have a fortnightly ale to keep me in easy drinking beer but I reckon you haven't lived until you've decocted a bag of Pilsner malt and used a few packs of Saaz plugs.
Lager.... yep.... Saccharomyces uvarum... my favourite.... This class of yeasties most probably just mutated from an ale yeast 100's of years ago anyway. Its had a lot less time to develop the variety that ales strains have and probably never will now due to strain isolation & microbiologists...

I remember a beer here in the West called "seven seas pale ale". It was made by the Sail & Anchor and served on a hand pump.. A truly great "Real Ale"...funny thing is it was actually brewed with a lager strain ;)

Asher for now

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