Ahb Religion - Census 2011?

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Kieren, you actually thought this person was being serious? He was obviously having a laugh...otherwise he would be retarded...

Ahh, clearly. Maybe I'm the retarded one :)
Saint Arnulf of Metz is the Patron Saint of Brewers.

My Church, the Church of Saint Arnulf, worships in many of the local chuches normally situated on a Corner of every street of every town City or Suburb.

Many can be found worshipping by practicing the art of imbibing oneself in its holy water typically on a Friday or Saturday night. This practice provides peace and tranquility to one after a hard week

We on this site even prefer to worship at home by making our own holy water rather than worshipping this great water with others :lol:
Islamic fundamentalist terrorists

Has now set the clock to see how long it takes for the boys from ASIO to turn up... :icon_chickcheers:
Islamic fundamentalist terrorists

Has now set the clock to see how long it takes for the boys from ASIO to turn up... :icon_chickcheers:

I think Allah hu Akbar will be more the **** to their flies... :D

A couple of censuses back I thought we'd missed them coming round to pick it up (didn't know they kept coming round till they had the filled out forms), so I threw it on the fire. Oops! I was fully a Jedi that year.

My favourite thing in complusary form filling is to become a statistical outlier. Be that dot, WAAAY up on the graph all by myself. The guy who's a peace-loving gun toter; a teetotalling alcoholic; an atheist with 14 children.
Islamic fundamentalist terrorists

Has now set the clock to see how long it takes for the boys from ASIO to turn up... :icon_chickcheers:

They'll be a while. They've got their hands full with a global cabal of christian fundamentalist terrorists at the moment.
If someone can point out the religious control of politics that I can't see I'd appreciate it.

Have a quick listen to the interviews conducted by the Australian Christian Lobby of Tony Abbot and Gillard (+Rudd before he was deposed) before the last election. How many other lobby groups were afforded a 30 minute video recorded interview?

In the interview Gillard spent much more time outlining her Baptist upbringing (even mentioning the Reverend by name), than her atheism. When describing her religious orientation she deliberately avoided the term atheist and said "in my adult life I've moved away from being a churchgoer or a person of faith".

On the issue of the influence of religion, the ACL were able to gain a commitment from Gillard to retain:
  • prayer before paraliament that is exclusively the Lord's prayer
  • chaplaincy program that is uniquely Christian
  • the Marriage Act in its present form that excludes same sex couples

The Liberal government were even more captive to Christian lobbying, e.g. Abbott banning RU486. When the Health Minister was finally stripped of the veto power, Abbot responded by calling for funding of alternative counselling to pregnant women through church-affiliated groups.

I could on and on.

I'm a member of the Presbyterian Church, so that's what my answer will be.

As to the argument the results are skewed one way or the other because of the influence of parents on children's answers, that obviously must apply to all answers, not just a particular religion, but also atheist, agnostic, or no religion. In other words, all the results will be skewed this way by a similar factor. So the comparisons between the various alternatives are probably more accurate than those pushing the skew argument propound.
Got a FWD email today urging everyone to write "Christian" in the religion section of the census because all the Muslims will be writing "Muslim" on theirs and next thing you know we'll be upholding Sharia law and they'll be building mosques in your backyard and so on and so forth.
pathetic attempt at a threadd. wheres the poll?!!! come on do a bit of work, pull up ABS page get the religion criteria put them up. and make sure that Church of FSM and jedi is on there!
I've been led to believe that Jedi is as much of a legit religion as any other. I haven't looked it up but my mate who told me seemed like he'd done some research. I suppose I'll have to put no religion if that's what ABS wants us to do.
Have a quick listen to the interviews conducted by the Australian Christian Lobby of Tony Abbot and Gillard (+Rudd before he was deposed) before the last election. How many other lobby groups were afforded a 30 minute video recorded interview?

In the interview Gillard spent much more time outlining her Baptist upbringing (even mentioning the Reverend by name), than her atheism. When describing her religious orientation she deliberately avoided the term atheist and said "in my adult life I've moved away from being a churchgoer or a person of faith".

On the issue of the influence of religion, the ACL were able to gain a commitment from Gillard to retain:
  • prayer before paraliament that is exclusively the Lord's prayer
  • chaplaincy program that is uniquely Christian
  • the Marriage Act in its present form that excludes same sex couples

The Liberal government were even more captive to Christian lobbying, e.g. Abbott banning RU486. When the Health Minister was finally stripped of the veto power, Abbot responded by calling for funding of alternative counselling to pregnant women through church-affiliated groups.

I could on and on.


As much as I feel weird defending politians as a whole I think it should be obvious that their job (and democracy) requires them to hear from groups which represent society. The bigger the group the more time politicians will afford them. Suggesting that specific groups in society can't be political while others can undermines the democratic process and the political rights of those you restrict. We can disagree with the opinions of different groups but we cant deny their right to voice it and be represented in the political area if we are to call ourselves a democracy. It really is that simple!

Specifically to your points:
The PMs interview you mention is also a timeless political strategy adopted by all pollies to appeal to as broad a demongraphic as possible by identifing themselves with a broader group of people. She has identified herself as an athesist so there is no indication of some religious puppeteering of politics here as some conspiracy theorists would suggest.

Suggesting 'influence' when things havent changed is exactly the point/punchline of the joke - "this watch keeps lions away, don't see lions, it must be working". When things don't change it is a fair leap to suggest that there is only one reason for it

The much talked about 'chapliancy program' clearly hasn't been well implimented by some schools but you are mistaken to claim that it is "uniquely Christian". Schools can adopt a chaplain of any OR no religious persausion!! Spiritual guidence does not require religious persausion.

Certainly there was a lot of lobbying by a number of religious groups over RU, to suggest that it was brought down via just religious lobbying would be to ignore many other factors at play with RU. Obviously though as we allow (as we must) all groups in society to participate in the democray we enjoy, we should expect that they will have some degree of influence as well. If we think we should fear larger groups in society which will obviously have a larger influence in the political arena then those of the retirement age will be next :lol:

Seriously though - state your convictions, commitments etc on the census what ever they are. It's not an election but it plays its part. There are people in other countries that will die trying to get the political representation we have available and don't try to undermine it by trying to claim that some groups should not be allowed to have an influence.
Religious groups do good. Think Anglicare, the Salvos etc.

But... tally up the body count at the hands of religion over the past 1000 years and you are well over the current population of the USA.

Add to that the black hole that was scientific discovery/advancement during the 'christian dark ages'

The only logical conclusion is that religion is the root of all evil.

The sooner we erase it from history the better.

Taking pot shots at kiddy fiddler priests and nazi popes who condone kiddy fiddling would be too easy

View attachment 47305
Well I guess with the word 'religion' in the topic title, this thread was sure to head in some weird directions :huh:

As far as I'm aware, the religion qn is an optional one. Therefore I make the option to have some fun with it. If it makes me a retard, so be it (some would argue that would be an improvement anyway!).

Sorry CM for no poll being added, I figured a poll about a poll would do my head in ;)

So, I'm sticking with 'Craftbrewer' although I may make a last minute change to 'Trappist', 'Pastafarian' or 'Dr. Smurtonian'
Add to that the black hole that was scientific discovery/advancement during the 'christian dark ages'

The only logical conclusion is that religion is the root of all evil.

Now, I'm happy to mock religion as much as the next infidel who's going to burn in a lake of sulfur, but it helps to get your facts straight.

The so called 'dark ages' had more to do with the the fall of Rome than religion having a stranglehold on mans intellectual progression. Who do you think had all the money?
There were a bunch of world changing discoveries made during this period in the fields of science, astronomy, agriculture and medicine - look it up if you don't believe me.
Monty Python, though hilarious is a poor source of reference for historical fact.

I thought money was the root of all evil?
Using religion as a scapegoat for man's nasty deed's is about as logical as saying 'my neighbors dog barking told me to kill my boss'
The much talked about 'chapliancy program' clearly hasn't been well implimented by some schools but you are mistaken to claim that it is "uniquely Christian". Schools can adopt a chaplain of any OR no religious persausion!! Spiritual guidence does not require religious persausion.

98.52% of the school chaplains are christian.

People with no religion make up 19 per cent of the population and only 0.01 per cent of chaplains.

Schools must exhaust all possibilities of finding a suitable religious chaplain before they are able to apply for a secular person.
source: http://www.theage.com.au/national/nonrelig...0212-1ardz.html

I also really doubt that only 19% of Australians are not religious, which is the whole point of this "don't put jedi as your religion" push.
Now, I'm happy to mock religion as much as the next infidel who's going to burn in a lake of sulfur, but it helps to get your facts straight.

The so called 'dark ages' had more to do with the the fall of Rome than religion having a stranglehold on mans intellectual progression. Who do you think had all the money?
There were a bunch of world changing discoveries made during this period in the fields of science, astronomy, agriculture and medicine - look it up if you don't believe me.
Monty Python, though hilarious is a poor source of reference for historical fact.

I thought money was the root of all evil?
Using religion as a scapegoat for man's nasty deed's is about as logical as saying 'my neighbors dog barking told me to kill my boss'

Since when is sarcasm inappropriate in a thread about religion on a beer forum?

The graph is quite obvioulsy made up, much like religious mythology.
The good old protest vote- protesting against being asked what religion you are.

Remember what happened when people decided to vote green or independent in protest to the other lame offerings.
Thank goodness you guys know lots about making beer because you know stuff all about statistics and what the census is used for.

In parts of my job, we use it to help figure out where we will need future electrical power generation/gas generation and capacity.

On the whole thing of religion, I don't know, but perhaps some demographers look at it in conjunction with other things. Like immigration from X, Y and Z regions are as follows
10% of X
60% of Y
30% of Z
The religion question is then used to identify that
100% of X have a religion
20% of Y have a religion
1% of Z have a religion
Then the government knows that we can bring in a lot more people from Z so we don't piss off the anti-theist AHBers.

The whole "put down Jedi as religion" thing occurred at the last 2 censuses. Its been done to death.

But hey, lie on your census form, make stuff up, do whatever you like, doesn't worry me. Maybe if enough people do it, if enough people do it and we stuff future electrical capacity, don't blame me if rolling blackouts wreck a brew.

:lol: I can see the light, oh, no wait, I can't

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