Ahb Is Boring

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this thread was trolling from the beginning. just another ignorant australian
Umm... sidenote, but who says you aren't? Has there been another inane poll I missed? I kinda like what you bring to the table and sure there are plenty of others...

I didn't mean for that to be a fishing expedition and I hope this doesn't become a debate regarding the usefulness or otherwise of my presence here.

Not so long ago there was a sustained vein of discussion regarding certain behaviours on this board (behaviours of which I have certainly been guilty) - during this debate I was singled out (both directly and by inference) as being the bulk of the problem that exists here by brewers of all levels and as such I decided a little while ago to try to act only as an observer here and have withdrawn almost all advice I have traditionally given freely (such as it is). I dunno, perhaps this thread proves them right.

[EDIT: added Schooey's quote]
I think I am going tom have to agree with bum here.

While it think the recently posted thread labeling Chappo a homophobe, is taking it a long way too far, certainly I don't think that pointing out that in this thread, the line between funny and offensive was in danger of being scuffed out by footprints.

I think that in general, its good to be able to have a joke, and even jokes at other peoples expense - but it's also good that those jokes are generally acknowledged as treading on sensitive ground. I for one don't want to go back to the days when abo jokes, poof jokes, wog jokes etc were acceptable without consideration. They should be considered, and mostly, they should be considered better left unsaid.

Like it or lump it, the line between funny and offensive has been crossed the minute someone actually gets offended. The only thing up for debate is whether you care or not.
There was a time when Austalians could have a joke about Wogs, Abo's, Women, Men, Gay's

What about the Kiwis? Is it still OK to make fun of us?
I certainly dont take offence. Go ahead, give me your best. I love it, just about as much as I love sheep.

No I think AHB has largely been taken over by a bunch of compulsive posting ********* who are treating the place like just another social networking venue.

I agree.
i can't top that...

i hope we haven't offended any poofs here with our gay banter, nevermind gaylord, they'll all be on your friends list so you can apologise over a nice shandy.

As a card carrying poof I took no offence at the gay banter, the acusation that I'd drink a shandy on the other hand....well, thems fightin' words!
As a card carrying poof I took no offence at the gay banter, the acusation that I'd drink a shandy on the other hand....well, thems fightin' words!


3 things Chappo.

1. I know you aren't homophobic and I think the label gets chucked around a bit too easily.
2. Some people in this thread crying about others being too sensitive about issues remember when someone posted something about Anzac day a couple of years back. There was a bit of outrage expressed back then by various members. Oversensitivity comes in different ways.
3. The time when we all happily made jokes about abos, wogs, poofters and sheilas wasn't too far away from the time when abos were denied the vote, poofs were illegal (at least in Tasmania) and all 4 groups were regularly getting their heads kicked in. Unfortunately there still seems to be legislation denying certain simple rights to some of those groups so sensitivity has a basis, compounded by continued bigotry.

I know you're joking. Brad, openly a card carrying poof as he says, knows you're joking. Tanga, another card carrying female gay (fits two groups) knows you're joking BUT the sensitivity is not just latte and chardonnay sipping bureaucrats making up new words to put into the dictionary (or should that be non gender specific lexicon of contemporary vocabulary?)

Anyway you and sunsettree should be adults and sort **** out by communicating rather than trading insults.

You could send him one of your best bottles of home made shandy as a peace offering.
What about the Kiwis? Is it still OK to make fun of us?
I certainly dont take offence. Go ahead, give me your best. I love it, just about as much as I love sheep.


No way is it OK to make fun of Kiwis. Now go and get sex dollars of fush un chups will ya.
No I think AHB has largely been taken over by a bunch of compulsive posting ********* who are treating the place like just another social networking venue.

This is gold. Hit the nail on the head. Constant replying for no f*cking reason other than to see their post count sky rocket.

I have no issue with chappo though. I get pissed off at the following:

"Actually, what i meant was ( insert pointless rambling irrelevant rebuttal here )" and so on and so on and so on.
As a card carrying poof I took no offence at the gay banter, the acusation that I'd drink a shandy on the other hand....well, thems fightin' words!

just noticed that was your 69th post and your head seems to be on upside down, i guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes..

my apologies for the shandy reference.
just noticed that was your 69th post and your head seems to be on upside down, i guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes..

my apologies for the shandy reference.

HA! That's ******' gold. I couldn't have planned that better if I tried!

All is forgiven about the shandy comment, but let it be a lesson to you; just because a bloke's gay, it doesn't mean he's a shandy drinkin' mincing limp wristed little ****** (stepping off soap box now).