Aerating With A Karcher.

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I also syphon out of the cube which works pretty well. One thing people don't consider is that pitching a few degrees cooler will help the oxygen dissolve quite a bit more easily. (take that people saying NC is bad and pitch over 25 with their chiller)

Using a pressure spray would generate a huge amount of foam. This foam contains your head retention protein and once it has foamed once it wont foam again. You may think you are getting good aeration but at the cost of poor head retention on your finished beer. This is the reason why bottled O2 is injected into the ferment at pitching time. In that case a small amount of foam that is generated does not mean that it has not been oxygenated. It is the oxygen that bubbles to the surface and sits in the headspace and is drawn back through the wort surface that feeds the yeast.

Cheers, Hoges.

Do you have any links to some explanation of that? My logic suggests that the protein would redissolve into the wort once settled back down. Does it go through a chemical change by being subject to the air or similar? My gut feeling is it probably isn't going to be a big difference unless you really go over the top.

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