Adice Please. Spare Wort. No Chill In Milk Container

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Afternoon all,

A couple of weeks ago when I was doing a double brew day and on the second brew I overestimated slightly on the pre-boil amount. I put the hot wort into my cube (22 litres) and realised I had about 3 litres spare (there is a lession in here....don't drink too much on brew day). Waste not want not I thought to myself and began running around the house trying to find a smaller container. I came up with a 3 litre milk bottle!!! Quickly I steralised the bottle and put the remaining wort (after the cube was full) into the bottle. The wort was scalding and filled the milk bottle.

The wort has been sitting nice and cool for a couple of weeks and this afternoon, after checking my starter, decided all was good to go. The cubed wort smells fantatsic and ready to go. The one in the milk bottle smells a little different, but tastes the same, although there is some trub in the milk container (not sure if this makes a difference).

So the question is should I throw the extra three litres away ( I hate throwing away anything) or, should I try and ferment it seprately, or throw it all in together.

Has anyone used a MILK BOTTLE before. Was it any good? Any advise greatfully recieved

MMMmmmm Note to self must check spelling before posting........
Freeze the milk container - reboil again and use it for starters...just my advice
Yup, I always have a few spare 2L Cola PETs around, however they wouldn't take boiling wort, just cool it down a bit, freeze the bottle and re-boil before use.

If you want to build up some spare worts you can get a good sturdy 5L jerry from Bunnings for about 8 Dollars, and maybe do a full mash 23 L and a 5L spare wort and use the 5L in a partial when you need to do a quick kit n partial brew to build stocks up.
aside from the "Quickly I sterilized the bottle " part - i see no reason why there should be an issue. One Vic x-mas case swap, we brewed a beer on the day and everyone took home a no-chill milk bottle of the brew. I don't believe anyone had an issue with it. I certainly didn't with mine.

If it was well sterilized it should be fine... but if you aren't 100% sure, maybe use it as a trial for a new yeast, or as starters. Just to be safe

btw... how do you know what they smell and taste like?? you haven't been opening them up have you?
btw... how do you know what they smell and taste like?? you haven't been opening them up have you?

hence freezing now (stop growth of nasties) and boil before use (kill nasties) - and only use for starters...
aside from the "Quickly I sterilized the bottle " part - i see no reason why there should be an issue. One Vic x-mas case swap, we brewed a beer on the day and everyone took home a no-chill milk bottle of the brew. I don't believe anyone had an issue with it. I certainly didn't with mine.

If it was well sterilized it should be fine... but if you aren't 100% sure, maybe use it as a trial for a new yeast, or as starters. Just to be safe

btw... how do you know what they smell and taste like?? you haven't been opening them up have you?


Only just opened them both up before I posted this message and thought better of "mixing the two" and hence seeking advise. Both are now in the fridge again. I'm waiting for the replies, but I think its a great idea to freeze the smaller one (and boil again later).

As to the tasting......Come on now you must taste em before they begin. I always do. Its just too good not too.

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