Acronyms & Abbreviations

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Hi Brewers,

I notice many of us are pretty free with the acronyms and abbreviations in our posts. This is all very good and well for readers that have the knowledge and experience under their belts, however it can be completely baffling and unhelpful to the new brewer that is using this forum to learn a lesson or two.

If it isn't too much bother could I ask you to consider the new brewers when typing your posts? It is a lot easier to lookup / research an unknown (yet accurate) term than to try and make head or tail of an abbreviation.

All the best.

One some more words.. I think there's a post on here about Brewing Acronyms, or search the net, I've come across a link, I just can't find it at the mo.. (moment)
Imagine you don't know what a Cornelius keg is. Google "corny homebrew" and see how long it takes you to work out exactly what that post that mentioned racking to a corny was about.

No need to be rude boys.

sah, you should pick up most of the standard acronyms with a quick browse of the airlocked topics in the brewer's sections of the forum. It is perhaps a little unreasonable though to expect people to not save time with acronyms that are considered to be generally understood.

There is absolutely no shame in just asking what certain acronyms mean if you don't know.
Amen brother, one of those things for any type of hobby, start talking ESP, VVTI and ABS if you're involved with cars.
All people here are friendly, if you don't know what LDME, FWIW or WOFTAM mean, ask, and someone will reply.
The only one you need is RDWHAHB
sah said:
If it isn't too much bother could I ask you to consider the new brewers when typing your posts? It is a lot easier to lookup / research an unknown (yet accurate) term than to try and make head or tail of an abbreviation.


The new brewer could if they care to take the time use the search function.
As an example I typed in" acronym" and found This link.Too easy really.
Sah, maybe you could get that list edited with all the new ones.. as you learn them.
Scott, how did the dunkelweizen go at the big brewday??.
sah said:
It is a lot easier to lookup / research an unknown (yet accurate) term than to try and make head or tail of an abbreviation.

Murray said:
It is perhaps a little unreasonable though to expect people to not save time with acronyms

Seems to me the obvious solution would be to have the forums software auto-substitute the common abbreviations with the full terms. Should be easily possible, just a matter of configuration (i.e. set the abbreviations to be "bad words" and the full term is what should be substituted). I just tried this on the demo version of Invision Power Board and it worked.
I raised this topic not for my benefit. I've just about got the lingo tamed now :) I agree the acronyms are pretty easy to sort out. The abbreviations and cute slang names for things is probably the more confusing aspect. You could argue that without this language though you lose a lot of the character of the forum?

Mark, the dunkelweizen is still in the fermenter, although it has tried to escape a few times. The gravity samples have tasted good, perhaps not as toasty as I was hopeing. I'm just sparging my first double batch (44L) now, a porter. My last brew was a bitter and with the slow sparge it looks like I'm up around the 80% efficiency.

Hey fellas

I use the the search function When I dont understand works for me Im not very smart but I can lift heavy beers Cheers

Monkale :super:
monkale said:
Hey fellas

I use the the search function When I dont understand works for me Im not very smart but I can lift heavy beers Cheers

Monkale :super:

Thats the spirit
With any specialist interest there is new language, acronyms and vocabulary to learn. For instance surfing, computers, cars and amatuer radio all have their own unique language. Writing every post with the newbie in mind is simply not possible considering the technical terms used. We have a very broad range of members from newbies to advanced allgrainers.

What is an option is when a newbie shows that they do not understand, any forum member can post back and explain where the acronym list is, how to use the search link on the site and generally ease the newbie in.

Simply stating search for it, or google it is not appropriate for the newer member. For instance, searching for the acronym LME could bring an enormous range of hits up, unless you included beer or homebrewing in the search criteria.

There is a huge range of information on the site and good searching is an effective tool of finding this information.
pint of lager said:
What is an option is when a newbie shows that they do not understand, any forum member can post back and explain where the acronym list is, how to use the search link on the site and generally ease the newbie in.

Simply stating search for it, or google it is not appropriate for the newer member. For instance, searching for the acronym LME could bring an enormous range of hits up, unless you included beer or homebrewing in the search criteria.


Point Taken :excl:
Brauluver, didn't mean to aim those comments at you, as your post also included a link to the right article.

What is very harsh for the newer members is to be told RTFM, or just google it. They are struggling with a new hobby, a new board and all the acronyms and new vocabulary.
monkale said:
Hey fellas

I use the the search function When I dont understand works for me Im not very smart but I can lift heavy beers Cheers

Monkale :super:

Hey you can lift heavy beers too?

Whoa ! :eek:


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