A Technical Question - Beersmith

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A technical Question, if I see a recipie I like on the AHB database. Am I able to import into beersmith?

A technical Question, if I see a recipe I like on the AHB database. Am I able to import into beersmith?

Only if it is a Beersmith file, .BSM or BeerXML file format.
You can always ask the recipe Author to email you the recipe in the appropriate file or enter the details yourself.

Probably easier just to enter it all yourself and then modify to suit what ingredients and equipment you have.
This question has been asked a couple of times.

Admin will need to setup a new forum page and allow for uploads in BSM format.
The idea dosne't seem to get much traction.

Best Idea is to make it up in the software and adjust for your equipment.
I know it would involve some work, but a downloadable package of AHB recipes in beersmith format would be nice, but would entail a fair bit of effort.

I would love this to, I've been looking at beer smith it looks good.. it would be great for the new comers as myself so I can simply print out the steps..
I would love this to, I've been looking at beer smith it looks good.. it would be great for the new comers as myself so I can simply print out the steps..

When you create a recipe in the database a discussion thread is automatically created, I can't see any reason why people can't upload their Beersmith/promash file there for everyone to be able to download.

Problem is that some use Beersmith or Promash, and others use different software

IMHO it would be easier to cut & paste ( if it works ) B) from a posted recipie
The other problem is the differing equipment specs. My deadspace does not equal your deadspace....
I've found that in a lot of cases, it actually takes me less time to enter a recipe from scratch with my profile correctly set, than it does to open an imported file, then have to change the equipment specs, then scale it for the batch size I want, then readjust the hopping to bring the late addition weight/volume ratios back into line......
What most newbs don't realise is that if you import a BSM file, chances are it will end up all out of wack for your equipment volumes and efficiency. The best way to learn is to input the recipe into beersmith beginning with your equipment settings, efficiency and volumes. Enter the malt and hops then tweak the amounts firstly to achieve the correct % of each malt according to the recipe and to achieve THE most important aspects of any recipe: The OG and IBU at your efficiency and volumes.


All points above are valid. But personally I would love to see the .bsm files online :)
The other problem is the differing equipment specs. My deadspace does not equal your deadspace....
I've found that in a lot of cases, it actually takes me less time to enter a recipe from scratch with my profile correctly set, than it does to open an imported file, then have to change the equipment specs, then scale it for the batch size I want, then readjust the hopping to bring the late addition weight/volume ratios back into line......

What most newbs don't realise is that if you import a BSM file, chances are it will end up all out of wack for your equipment volumes and efficiency. The best way to learn is to input the recipe into beersmith beginning with your equipment settings, efficiency and volumes. Enter the malt and hops then tweak the amounts firstly to achieve the correct % of each malt according to the recipe and to achieve THE most important aspects of any recipe: The OG and IBU at your efficiency and volumes.

So... why isn't there a way to just enter grains as %, hop additions as g/L and have it work out the values in g or kg based on your batch size and efficiency? Maybe this should be the way BeerXML 2.0 goes when storing recipes... store the generic recipe then translate for equipment in the application.
I was going to put the recipes in manually but I was confused with batch size.. i saw a beer i wanted to brew but says its a 52lt batch size.. since I only want to have around 23lt would I have to tweak the ingredients amounts? and if so is it as simple as halving?

Im a complete newbie to AG so if thats completely wrong please correct me..

I was playing with beersmith lastnight seting up my equipment, i saw the brew efficiency, whats this?
The other problem is the differing equipment specs. My deadspace does not equal your deadspace....
I've found that in a lot of cases, it actually takes me less time to enter a recipe from scratch with my profile correctly set, than it does to open an imported file, then have to change the equipment specs, then scale it for the batch size I want, then readjust the hopping to bring the late addition weight/volume ratios back into line......


Its all about the nuances in your own system.

For popular recipes (eg Dr S's Golden Ale), within the discussion thread there are uploaded beersmith files, so in some cases you should be covered anyways. ;)
I was going to put the recipes in manually but I was confused with batch size.. i saw a beer i wanted to brew but says its a 52lt batch size.. since I only want to have around 23lt would I have to tweak the ingredients amounts? and if so is it as simple as halving?

Im a complete newbie to AG so if thats completely wrong please correct me..

I was playing with beersmith lastnight seting up my equipment, i saw the brew efficiency, whats this?

If you enter the recipe as you find it, then you can just click on the "Scale" button along the top strip menu to make it for any size you wish.

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