A Sensless Act..why?

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I cannot believe I live less than 2km from you and I haven't been around to sample from this "community keg". I think it is a fantastic concept! I have mates that regularly visit on a saturday night to help with my surplus supply but you cannot beat the community feel. Talk about a great way to build community spirit and friendship! Hope the training is going well mate.
[quote name='The Ol' Boozeroony' post='426790' date='Mar 6 2009, 10:08 PM']3. Install a lockable valve casing to the taps (which fit very well) and issue the R&D team with keys. Additional separate locks and key held by me only.
4. Install sensor lights at appropriate positions around the house.[/quote]

Regarding 3, just make sure your team understands that the locks have be re-installed before they leave. It's seriously your arse on the line, so be strict with those that forget to lock up. I don't want to appear as a scare-monger, but you could seriously lose your house. Where I live, you can be sued if someone slips on the icy sidewalk in front of your house. Bags of salt and salty sand are big sellers this time of year.

Regarding 4, make sure the lights are high enough that they can't be unscrewed or install tamper-proof models. My garage was broken into last June and they unscrewed the lbulbs on the light next to the door. The next day I installed a security light high up on the front of the garage - way out of reach.

And I recommend a dog. When my wife and I get an acreage (one day), I'm getting a Neopolitan Mastiff. Quite possibly the ugliest animal alive, but they're good with their owners and really mean to strangers.
[quote name='The Ol' Boozeroony' post='426790' date='Mar 7 2009, 03:08 PM']Just an update for everyone:

The Community Keg concept began because I brew for a living so I brew at home to try different recipes/yeasts/addatives/etc and pump out way more than I'd ever consume. The neighbours where happy to dispose of my waste happily...

The idea of charges and liable, etc at first I laughed at but it did make me stop and think."if someone was around with a knife then potentially there could be an instance of someone getting drunk and the blame being levelled at me"

Definitely wasn't the wife.. I think

SOLUTION: One of my neighbours works for a safety equipment supplier and another an electrician so the following steps are to be put into place.
1. Move kegs and gas inside.
2. Fit taps to the back wall of the house so access can still be gained by the local research and development team. (My outside lines run through portable refridgeration units so don't need to be near a fridge)
3. Install a lockable valve casing to the taps (which fit very well) and issue the R&D team with keys. Additional separate locks and key held by me only.
4. Install sensor lights at appropriate positions around the house.
Job done.

For all of you legal eagles out there feel free to pick holes in the master plan.

The Community Keg Program must continue I've been informed...


Err...is the house next door for sale by any chance?

Kids behaving badly, would bet my lefty on it.
... but, that's my "good" one... :eek:

I initially thought it could be a revenge "hit", if you were supplying the stuff you brew at work :lol:

Another suggestion here: Remember to change the lock if someone loses a key :rolleyes:

Les out (to the garage for a Roggenbier)
Someones wife I would bet. Only a woman would cut the lines to a free supply of beer.


Just cut off the hands of every teenager in the neighbourhood will save you any problems in the future. :lol: Especially the ones with one earing white framed sunglasses and a baseball cap on backwards and thats just the foulmouthed girls.
Wow I am totally impressed. +1 for more details

How does "The Community Keg Program" work precisely?

Ha, "The Community Keg Program"

The program was created as a vehicle for the neighbourhood husbands and fathers to come together in an informal and unpressured environment to raise and discuss the issues and pressures that affect husbands today. To facilitate the perception that husbands can do good deeds for wives... a child recreation facility (ie swings and slippery dip from Santa) was installed at the rear of the Community House for the husbands to bring along their kiddies to play with one another whilst the Dad's have a much needed opportunity to talk about there fear of cranky and hormonal wives. There were a few attendees that seemed to be a little affraid to express themselves, for various reasons, so a social lubricant was introduced to help relax the group. The program has gone on to (surprisingly) be embraced by the wives as they highly regard their "Child and Husband free time". The Program was strict guidelines and does not tolerate drunken behaviour while the children are present.

Lee, Training is going good. Only a week to go so looking forward to a thousand beers next Sunday

Les, I definitely never mix work with serious research...

Have I got this right?
The keg is installed at a community house?
The tap is outside the house?
Would love to see a picture or two...I'm fascinated.
Time to get the community Blunderblus loaded up with birdshot and rocksalt IMHO.

Just send the keg up here to the 'Assualt' Capital of Queensland :party:
Would've been rough justice if the perp though it was happy gas and inhaled. You would've caught the *******(s) at least.

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