A Sad Day

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I was waiting for the Keg comment :p
My brain says YES but my gut says NO :p

Doogie chap ,


1)Waste too much space .(crates taking valuble space in garage )
2)Waste too much time cleaning .(clean, rinse ,sterelise ,Feel like a washer woman)
3)Take too long before you can drink the beer .(1-2 months )
4)May explode .(glass shrapnel)
5)Waste too much water cleaning .(do your bit for water conservation during the drought)
6)Empty bottles can be counted ("Oh you drank five beers tonight ")
7)Unless you can store in a cool place they will go off (garden shed is a No! No! 40C in Summer ).
8)Cant store 80 litres in one fridge in bottles .

The best thing you can do for the quality your beer is dont lament the passing of the Crownie bottle
buy some KEGS you will save a heap of space and never look back

Pumpy :)
I use 800ml twist tops, crown larger twist tops and Melbourne bitter twist tops. Ive used the same bottles for a year and never broken one. All you need is $300.00 and a welder. :D

My super capper

Hand capper attachment with a bolt welded onto it.
Got to agree - a sad day for bottlers

Been brewing and bottling for 6 years. Never broken a bottle whilst capping or because of capping. Mainly use the old thick Crownies or JS stubbies.

Scared to go into kegging:
1) Big investment
2) Frightened I will drink too much - there are advantages in being able to count the number of stubbies on the sink
3) Like to do small 11litre brews for experimenting (only drink about 12 h/brews per week so 19 or 23l lasts a long time and I get bored with one style)
4) Limited room for a second fridge

So it looks like its bottles for a while yet. Have an excuse to drink a few more JS :)
Got to agree - a sad day for bottlers

Been brewing and bottling for 6 years. Never broken a bottle whilst capping or because of capping. Mainly use the old thick Crownies or JS stubbies.

Scared to go into kegging:
1) Big investment
2) Frightened I will drink too much - there are advantages in being able to count the number of stubbies on the sink
3) Like to do small 11litre brews for experimenting (only drink about 12 h/brews per week so 19 or 23l lasts a long time and I get bored with one style)
4) Limited room for a second fridge

So it looks like its bottles for a while yet. Have an excuse to drink a few more JS :)


1) $380 for kegs $10 month for gas but it depends how you value your time per hour and bottle cleaning is a chore that should be eliminated .

2)you will not drink more that is what I thought and you waste less.

3) you can buy 12 litre kegs

4)how can a fridge take up more room than your bottles ?

Pumpy :)
I use 800ml twist tops, crown larger twist tops and Melbourne bitter twist tops. Ive used the same bottles for a year and never broken one. All you need is $300.00 and a welder. :D

My super capper
View attachment 10104

Hand capper attachment with a bolt welded onto it.
View attachment 10105

Peels, your efforts is exemplary!

I'm off to the shed to tinker with my benchcapper.... maybe auto-cap-feed... hmmm

1) $380 for kegs $10 month for gas but it depends how you value your time per hour and bottle cleaning is a chore that should be eliminated .

2)you will not drink more that is what I thought and you waste less.

3) you can buy 12 litre kegs

4)how can a fridge take up more room than your bottles ?

Pumpy :)

Hi Pumpy

How do you waste less? Don't you have to flush the beer out the line at the start of each session?

I have seen the 12l kegs which sparked my interest initally until I saw that they are twice the price of the 19l at G&G. Do you know of anyone else who has them?

I have very limited height under my house which would make putting in a fridge difficult. Have tried to annex the laundry but so far have been unable to break down the wife's defences.
The little fermentation fridge I have is occupying the only space I could put a fridge. It would only hold one 19l keg maybe two 12l. I suppose a chest freezer could be an option.

Maybe one day I will get sick of bottle washing but at this point in time its not a problem time wise. Kids all grown up - time to spare.

1) $380 for kegs $10 month for gas but it depends how you value your time per hour and bottle cleaning is a chore that should be eliminated .

2)you will not drink more that is what I thought and you waste less.

3) you can buy 12 litre kegs

4)how can a fridge take up more room than your bottles ?

Pumpy :)

Hi Pumpy

How do you waste less? Don't you have to flush the beer out the line at the start of each session?

I have seen the 12l kegs which sparked my interest initally until I saw that they are twice the price of the 19l at G&G. Do you know of anyone else who has them?

I have very limited height under my house which would make putting in a fridge difficult. Have tried to annex the laundry but so far have been unable to break down the wife's defences.
The little fermentation fridge I have is occupying the only space I could put a fridge. It would only hold one 19l keg maybe two 12l. I suppose a chest freezer could be an option.

Maybe one day I will get sick of bottle washing but at this point in time its not a problem time wise. Kids all grown up - time to spare.



I just use a pluto gun which remains at 5C in the fridge so no probs with having to flush the lines .

Looks like space and the missus may be a problem for you ,Mine said to me one day " how do we get rid of all these bottles and I said its easy but some cost involved I have to get some kegs she said 'do it I am sick of the bottles' so off I went like a shot before she changed her mind .

Yeah the 12 litre chinese kegs are expensive will have to wait till they reduce in price or Ross starts selling them cheaper .

Pumpy :)

I just use a pluto gun which remains at 5C in the fridge so no probs with having to flush the lines .

Looks like space and the missus may be a problem for you ,Mine said to me one day " how do we get rid of all these bottles and I said its easy but some cost involved I have to get some kegs she said 'do it I am sick of the bottles' so off I went like a shot before she changed her mind .

Yeah the 12 litre chinese kegs are expensive will have to wait till they reduce in price or Ross starts selling them cheaper .

Pumpy :)

Pumpy - you're getting me thinking now. I'll try and set her up for that response. Might have to plant a few extra bottles in the kitchen. Maybe even splash a bit of stale beer on the kitchen floor.

I've never had a problem capping twist tops? Actually in the last 6 years of brewing I've had any break on me while capping (touch wood) though I keg now and only bottle about 4 longnecks form time to time.
Thanks Tab for your generous offer. I have about 5-600 crown seal stubbies (only about 150 full) 50% crownies and the other half mainly Little Creatures with a twist of Corona and mega swill European lager greenies. Call me anal but I have had a dream of never having to adjust the height of my capper mid way through a batch. :p
I will cross over to the dark side (perhaps sooner with time getting more precious with a new baby Doogiechap on the scene now) (my wife is surrounded by boys :blink: ). Love the CO2 fire extinguisher thing happening in WA so my tight arse tendacies will still be appeased.
Jayse I had a head of hair starting to look like Bill Bailey but the scullet in the making scared me too much so Canteen made a few bob out of my scalp. I'm itching for my latest batch of your SFPA to mature :super:
InCider that is one mean capper ! Devo I have had no breakages with the twist tops either I'm just a lazy bastard as crownies take less effort to cap :p .
Winter in Kanbeera...oh happy days...
No need to either keg nor bottle...straight from the fermentor, way to go.
Ferment at 16-18C in a box (or freezer or fridge) then just lift up the fermentor onto the bench...let it cool to ambient...enjoy !!!
I, like others, will one day head down the keg route but at the moment the cost is prohibitive and I enjoy spending a weekday evening having a glass of beer and bottling my latest brew- better than watching "Big Brothers Idol Dancing to Survive in a Great Race at Jericho(Just near Smallville)".... or whatever the latest ***** the commercial channels are spewing forth to numb the masses........phew...where did that come from?

Even if I did keg I doubt I'd keep a keg for 6+ months of barley wine, a specialty belgian number, weizen bock, dopple bock etc so that the flavour would peak and any number of other reasons. Square Pegs, Horses, Round Holes, courses etc. One day it'll happen and I will shortly start to accumulate the neccessaries but I'm in no great rush.
counterpressure filling is the answer to that
I still bottle though I have kegs because it's easier to take a few long necks to someone's place than a keg
if they don't have at least 3 beers on tap, why bother going P&K? :D
I was talking about this thread with my wife yesterday and the typical comments that come from Keggers when the cappers start a chatting :p
She then says "well, would some kegs be a good Christmas Present ??"
I am truly a lucky man :wub:
Not such a sad day after all :super:
Make sure she remembers says "some kegs" not "a keg"