Mission complete! My brew day was a success and it went off without a hitch. Well, almost. Last night while I was cleaning my hydrometer rolled off the bench and smashed into a million pieces! So I ran down to kmart and got a brigalow hydrometer, it's accurate enough but the POS only goes up to 1.040! wtf. Oh well it's enough to get me out of trouble for this batch. Other than that it all went ok. It's easy once you know how, although it's not really any more time consuming or complicated than doing an extract + mini mash....
anyway, pics or it didnt happen!
water heating up with colander element protection in place
in go the grains
Oops, a little too high. So I kept the lid off and agitated the grains for about 10 mins until it dropped to 67.0C.
Mashing away
After 60 mins it dropped to 65.0C. Then I turned the heat back on and after 10 mins it got to 79.0C for the mashout. Close enough for my first attempt I reckon.
Tent pole tripod pulley system in place
The dye ran from these welding gloves and made the bag go pink. :blink:
Boil away
Drain into the cube
And its all done!
I guess the only thing ill do differently next time - besides getting better temperatures - is run a lead outside and have the urn out there. a) so that my laundry doesnt resemble a sauna for 60 mins, and b ) so that any spilt wort doesnt need to be mopped up!
Big thanks to Pistolpatch, BribieG and everyone else in this thread for all the helpfull advice... Here's to many more BIABs! :icon_chickcheers:
Now it's time for the reward beer! Chimay Blue... :chug: