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"Balance is the art of brewing" but that comes from the "Science of brewing".Dextrous just means there are lots of dextrins - dextrins are not sweet.
Dextrins add body and mouthfeel to a beer by increasing its viscosity and palate weight.
Dextrins are sugars - and all sugars do the same thing - including the sweet ones. So a sweet beer will have body and mouthfeel from the sugars present.... but a beer with body and mouthfeel does not necessarily have to be sweet, because those characteristics might have come from non sweet dextrins.
If you wanted to (you almost certainly dont want to though) you could add saccharine or aspartame to your beer, both sugars that are very very sweet - and that would add lots of sweetness, but because you would use so little of the stuff to get your desired sweetness, it would add virtually no body and mouthfeel. So you could have a thin and very dry beer, with lots of sweetness. They are also unfermentable.
Balance in your beer - is about a three way balance between sweetness, bitterness and mouthfeel/body. To get it you need to do more than pay attention to mash temperatures - its about yeast choice and attenuation vs the attenuation limit of the wort, choice of base malts choice of specialty malts and any adjuncts you might use.