I've got the flu and I certainly don't want to get into yet another email efficiency discussion with you - these can be pretty exhausting and circular! You constantly say that you disagree with me in many ways on efficiency issues but there is little we disagree on if anything. The only thing might be that you like taking your efficiency reading pre-boil because that is where the big brewers take it and that this should be identical to the efficiency post-boil. My problem is that my figures and some others don't agree with this commonly held assumption. I have for over two years now wanted to find if this common brewing assumption is also matched with actual figures.
This is yet another reason why I want to collect some figures. It is no use telling people that pre and post-boil efficiency is the same, if in reality, it isn't. So, instead of embarking on yet another theoretical debate, let's gather some figures.
I am not the only one who experiences a consistent drop in pre-boil and immediateley post-boil measurement and a read through
this thread and
this thread (done over 2 years ago and that you have read) will show that I do know how to measure
Some other links....
http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f36/giving-bre...ser-look-79829/ Check out Post#4. This guy took some careful measurements and if you read his articles linked in Post #1, he sounds as though he knows what he is talking about and has the open-mindedness to doubt his science.
http://www.byo.com/stories/wizard/article/...iency-mr-wizard This guy also nticed a drop in efficiency during the boil but was told to go and re-check his figures as they don't match the science.
http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...st&p=202851 MHB, who has a brewing degree and an open mind, kindly put forward a reason for the drop in this post. (Just re-reading it now and think I interpreted it in reverse two years ago - lol - makes sense now.)
Also in that thread, you offered to do some testing as follows...
Doing the above would be something constructive.
As for any further debate, I'm happy to do it but only with people who take the trouble to provide me with their own figures. I have done the theoretical arguments to death
I'm going back to my flu!