Best of luck my friend, may your brew day go froth with no drama and complete success..
Hi, I've been having a crack at BIAB. My first BIAB brew was not infected, but noticably harsh tasting with little hop/malt flavour and severe bitterness. I havent found any holes in my brewing technique yet (discussed in other threads), but im concerned about my water. My tap water yesterday had a PH of 7.7. And it also seems to have a bit of chlorine (Maylands WA).
Could this have a significant effect on brewing a APA ? I'm planning on using some acidulated malt in the next BIAB I do, maybe 2-3%. Might try and boil off the chlorine before I start also.
Mind you, I had a slighlty different rough flavour (again not infected) with a extract brew I did as part of the troubleshooting exercise. I'm now thinking maybe this is a chlorine thing, as I believe PH doesnt affect extract brews noticeably. Any ideas?
Cheers, Foles.
- Thanks to Pollux for the idea, I slipped a sleeping bag over the urn then overwrapped the whole thing in my feather doonah and strapped it. Mash started at 67 and finished at 66 after 90 mins. Rapt.
I've tried correcting two problems that I think are preventing me from brewing drinkable beer (BIAB) PH & chlorine/chloramines
I've used treating PH with 3% acidulated malt in the mash
And treating chloramines with pinch of sodium met and sitting water overnight.
The Beer has come out rough, astringent/harshly bitter after tasting quite good in the fermenter. I suspect I haven't corrected the PH properly. I'm guessing the water was purged of chlormines with the sodium met but cannot be sure.
Thinking of trying the stabiliser 5.2 product. And also getting a PH meter or maybe just strips to begin with.
Is BIAB more suspectable to PH induced problems due the grist / water ratio ?
I might try a mashout next time I do a brew...
I currently do a 90min mash and thought I was doing gangbusters with the eff %...Until I realised my post boil volume was out.....
First couple of batches are sitting at 60%.....
Problem is I have no skyhook or pulley system possible... I wonder if just lifting the bag a bit more over the edges and using some of those clamps that look like oversized clothes pegs would be enough in my urn, it does have a concealed element..
turn that dunking into a proper stir, bag back in, opened up and stir it up well - and I will guess at another point or two of efficiency - maybe another couple if you don't raise the bag at all and add your heat while stirring constantly (assuming your set-up allows this) during the ramp.