Yes I've also been following wisdom on the forum and went for 'full volume' mashing, but my electic urn is only 40L and most of the AGers I've spoken to reckon on using at least 40 L of water in the whole process including mash out, to end up with a 'standard' 23 L brew. To accommodate the grain bill I started off with only about 35 L in the urn and was pushing it to get enough wort. As it is I'll be lucky to end up with 20L bottled whereas I'd like to go for 24L.I noticed that there appeared to be no mash-out step. I have included this as part of my process due to published wisdom on this forum but might try the next couple without to see if it has any negative impact. Would love to drop this step as standing at the urn with an over-the-side element, plunging the paint stirrer like a tosser for 15 mins is a pain (and looks pretty suss from behind).
I reckon I ended up with about a 28L boil but would like to go say 33 to 35. So I've decided next time to mash, drain about 8L into a stockpot which is no hassle as the urn has a tap, and top up urn with 8L of say 75 degree water, raise bag and drop it for a double dunker, raise and drain bag and add the 8L back in.
Thirsty boy had a bit to say on trying to mash out a BIAB, suggesting that if you are going to digress too far from BIAB you really should consider going for a three vessel system. Agree if it involves a lot of syphoning etc, However in my case it's only a case of opening a tap and pulling a couple of extra times on a pulley so I'll give it a go next time and report.
Had a great day BribieG. Thanks for the invite and the great hospitality...
Can't wait for my first brew, thanks again BribieG
A pleasure to meet fellow craft brewers, we're a bit thin on the ground around here - all the best for the BIAB and we'll keep in touch re Feb if we are heading down Tugun Way'