A big public thanks to Dane, admin AHB, for orgnising the Fair Go button at the top of the forums. Cheers, Dane :beer:
And a bit of a recap on Petition Locations (as of 9, Jan 9:00AM):
Victoria: 19
NSW: 9
QLD: 2
TAS: 4
SA: 5
WA: 20 !
59 locations in total.
I've spoken with a couple of different persons who are hosting peititions and the feedback has been positive with comments like, "Our punters are signing the petition in droves!"
Headed down last night but noone knew what I was on about. Where is it living?
I was a bit concerned this could happen at any petition location. Having worked in hospitality myself, I can relate to how easy it would be for any single staffer to go, "What's this all about?" as it gets stuffed under the bar or worse, heads into the bin. Surely something with signatures on it would have some staying power, but hopefully you see where I'm coming from.
Worst case scenario, and this applies to anyone who doesn't have a nearby petition location (and who doesn't want to host a petition yourself) is just
print this page, sign it and post it to the included address. I have this vision of Paul and Cam presenting a box of signatures, some stapled from various petiton locations, with a few single page (even single signature) petitions which sends a message that someone cared enough to actively print the form from the internet, sign post etc. I suppose it's a big ask, but then again we have a real chance atm to positively change the craft beer scene in Australia.
Thanks everybody and keep up the good work.