A Fair Go For Craft Beer

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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LC has the petition up and running as of today. I'd encourage all the west coast brewers to get down and sign it. Have a pint of pale too, the current batch is pretty damned tasty.

Headed down last night but noone knew what I was on about. Where is it living?

For those that reside a little further north than Fremantle, there's now a petition going on the counter at The International Beer Shop, West Leederville.

And for the record, the pale was tasting pretty good!
Anyone going to the Taste of Tasmania, the 2 metre tall booth has the petition up.
Anyone going to the Taste of Tasmania, the 2 metre tall booth has the petition up.

Oh me, I have had their bottled beer here and based on the sample I would not be in a position to reccomend it. Of course it was only one bottle.

Haven't seen the petition IRL but I signed the online one. Schutzenfest is coming up here - hopefully I'll get to that. Surely there'll be one there =D.
At the Schutzenfest where they serve Coopers, Tooheys and if you're lucky, DAB? I doubt it :(
You're kidding. That's it?

WTF? I thought different beers was the point. Don't think I'll bother going if that's the case.

Oh me, I have had their bottled beer here and based on the sample I would not be in a position to reccomend it. Of course it was only one bottle.

i also would be hesitant to recommend. though the cleansing ale was as good as i've had it. and they did have the petition which was enough of a reason to post on its own.

If you haven't already signed the petition, get cracking!


Let's give Australian Micro Breweries their 'Fair Go' and help boost this excellent, yet stifled industry!
Going to Melb tomorrow will drop into holgates and sign, Hmmm while im there i guess ill have to try out there beers. Didn't know there was a Micro so close.
as with 99% of my mates, if they can get a case of 30 VB cans for 30 dollars or one six-pack of craft beer for 30 dollars, which one are they going to go for each and every time?

if this works, it'll change the way almost all Australians drink. (instead of megaswill, trying new styles/brands)
A big public thanks to Dane, admin AHB, for orgnising the Fair Go button at the top of the forums. Cheers, Dane :beer:
And a bit of a recap on Petition Locations (as of 9, Jan 9:00AM):
Victoria: 19
NSW: 9
QLD: 2
TAS: 4
SA: 5
WA: 20 !

59 locations in total.

I've spoken with a couple of different persons who are hosting peititions and the feedback has been positive with comments like, "Our punters are signing the petition in droves!"

Headed down last night but noone knew what I was on about. Where is it living?
I was a bit concerned this could happen at any petition location. Having worked in hospitality myself, I can relate to how easy it would be for any single staffer to go, "What's this all about?" as it gets stuffed under the bar or worse, heads into the bin. Surely something with signatures on it would have some staying power, but hopefully you see where I'm coming from.

Worst case scenario, and this applies to anyone who doesn't have a nearby petition location (and who doesn't want to host a petition yourself) is just print this page, sign it and post it to the included address. I have this vision of Paul and Cam presenting a box of signatures, some stapled from various petiton locations, with a few single page (even single signature) petitions which sends a message that someone cared enough to actively print the form from the internet, sign post etc. I suppose it's a big ask, but then again we have a real chance atm to positively change the craft beer scene in Australia.

Thanks everybody and keep up the good work.

i have noticed there is nowhere is canberra to sign the petion, as of tonight that will change. i have organized for posters and the petion to be printed and will be asking lauchy at the wig and pen to be the local point for people to sign. good chance to go and try some good local brew.
i have noticed there is nowhere is canberra to sign the petion, as of tonight that will change. i have organized for posters and the petion to be printed and will be asking lauchy at the wig and pen to be the local point for people to sign. good chance to go and try some good local brew.

Great form cozmocracker

I sent Christoph @ Zeirholtz a message on Facebook to become a supporter...
Full story available from here.

The US have just relaxed taxation on beer.

The Beer Institute and the Brewers Association today applauded members of the United States House of Representatives for the introduction of H.R. 836 the Brewers Excise and Economic Relief (BEER) Act, which effectively returns the federal beer excise tax back to its pre-1991 level of $9 per barrel.

I wonder if this could be seen and used as a president for the Australian effort ?

Full story available from here.

The US have just relaxed taxation on beer.

I wonder if this could be seen and used as a president for the Australian effort ?


I think you meen precedent Doc the last thing we need is a President, but yes lets hope so.... :)
Worst case scenario, and this applies to anyone who doesn't have a nearby petition location (and who doesn't want to host a petition yourself) is just print this page, sign it and post it to the included address. I have this vision of Paul and Cam presenting a box of signatures, some stapled from various petiton locations, with a few single page (even single signature) petitions which sends a message that someone cared enough to actively print the form from the internet, sign post etc. I suppose it's a big ask, but then again we have a real chance atm to positively change the craft beer scene in Australia.

Ive just printed it out and will send mine off today.
