A Beer Accompaniment

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made these last year stuffed with cream cheese ....sensational
This thread has so much great stuff about gourmet food for the beer drinker, can we make it a sticky topic Admins?


I didn't realise there were so many cheese makers out there! Maybe we need our own topic. I've got a few kilo's of Juncthouse Cheddar Maturing at the moment. Its waxed and in the fridge at the moment as I have no other long term storage spot for it.
I have been into this home made dip lately.

Philadelphia cream cheese
Keens curry powder
Spring onions

Chicken in a biscuit (the rectangle ones with the serrated edges).

A match made in heaven.

I have tried it with different biscuits but it doesnt work as well.
And as a sidenote to the current cheesy conversation...

The Biltong/jerky

Dont marinade in malt vinegar then salt (Dr Karl) Biiiig mistake.

Too salty! (But I did still manage to eat it, slowly over time)
Home made spicy sausages and my waxed Cheddar cheese. The sausages are hanging to bloom and will be eaten tonight at the BBQ with heaps of Bosuns Best Bitter, the cheese I have to wait a few months for.

Home made spicy sausages and my waxed Cheddar cheese. The sausages are hanging to bloom and will be eaten tonight at the BBQ with heaps of Bosuns Best Bitter, the cheese I have to wait a few months for.
View attachment 11572

Andrew, my mouth is watering already...

Today would be chilli sauce brew day but with all the rain my very mild chillis have still a week or two to go to ripen. It will be ready for march no problem.

This thread is dangerous to read before going to Woolies!
Andrew, my mouth is watering already...

Today would be chilli sauce brew day but with all the rain my very mild chillis have still a week or two to go to ripen. It will be ready for march no problem.

This thread is dangerous to read before going to Woolies!

I hope the sun comes out soon InCider, I am really looking forward to the chillies. My wife asked me to swipe a tiny sample of the sauce :p she's another chillie freak.

I hope the sun comes out soon InCider, I am really looking forward to the chillies. My wife asked me to swipe a tiny sample of the sauce :p she's another chillie freak.


I'll bring some extra sauce for Mrs AndrewQLD :) I bought the jalepenos already in BNE a week or so again (tinned) so I'll be ready without having to rely on my plants. I will make some fresh ones though - extra hot they are! :D
Got another batch of jerky in the fridge marinating..

Going to be "Honey, Soy Chilli "jerkey

Simple recipie using 1cm slices of corned beef, Honey, Soy, Balsamic vinigar and chilli ... The dried in the oven for about 5hrs

Chilli sause........

i love home made chilli sauce.

I make a sweet chilli cause with ginger and garlic, lemon juice, white viniger water and sugar i think.

first time i made it i boiled it down on the tsove in the kitchen and the fumes made the kisd cry and everybody had to leave the house.

the second batck i made (i used 1/2 a plactic shopping bag of home grown chillies) i boiled it on a ring burner on the BBQ outside :)

You should have seen the bees swarm to the smell :)

My chilli plants are starting to bear a heap of fruit so with the bag i already have in the freezer, there is going to be a heap of sauce.

Does any one have a recipe for a hot chilli sauce thats not sweet?

Finally got off my arse and decided to make some jerky! Well, actually biltong but feh, people call megaswill beer.

1kg Round Steak, thinly sliced (put in the freezer for a couple of hours to aid in cutting)
1/2 cup soy
4TBsp Sugar
Probably about 3 tsp crushed garlic
1tsp Sambal Oelek (Hot chilli paste)

It's definitely necessary to cook some of it at this point to "make sure it tastes ok"!

Im going to marinate it overnight and throw it in the dehydrator at 60C for 8 hours.

I hope it turns out okay, I've got nearly a kilo of it!
Adam...you will also need salt...( personally I would use corned beef as it is pre salted/cured and is nice and tender)

And don,t think you will end up with 1KG of jerky :p ...It will shrink before your eyes...you would be lucky to get 200gms of dried jerky....

But it sure will taste nice... :super:

And you made it yourself. Thats all that matters B)
Even with full-salt soy sauce? I'd have though there would be plenty in there.
tony, my brother does some awesome chilli sauces
chilli oils as well
Start by just making a regular tomato sauce and adding sh!tload of chillis :) go from there.
The latest one he did was chockers full of mustard seed as well.
just don't add too much sugar mate - that sweet chilli sauce is so crap.
adamt , we have never added salt to a good soy sauce biltong marinade.
The soy dose the trick nicely...

Pat the meet dry on kitchen towel or clean tea towels (just put them straight in the washing machine with a bit of nappie san) to remove any excess moisture befor soaking in your marinade of choise ...

Yep did that bunyip, paper towelled.

FNQ...yeah...it does depend on the soy that you use...some are more salty than others.

Pating the meet help heaps. The less water content, the better it will dry. The salt will help draw the water from the meat...

If it is a fatty meat, then it will take ages to dry out.

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