Here is Wyeasts response. They say it is not normal be pussing excessive sulfer at any time during the propagation process.
maybe im being pedantic with the 'excessive part'. The starter smells 1/2 as stinky after the final growth step and no off flavours either when i tasted it. Infact, after swirling it in a glass there is only minimal sulfur noticable and noice clean clove/wheat characters.
The suck it and see approach is in order i think. The worst i can do is produce two eggy batches of beer. Eggleweizen and Dunkeggelweizen.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 7:43 PM
To: Customerservice
Subject: Question From Wyeast Labs website for I have general question.
I have been stepping up a slant of Weihenstephan Weizen 3068 as per my
typical procedure as follows:
50ml worth into a vial until fully attenuated
Add to 200ml worth with 16 hours on a stir plate
Add another 500ml for 16 hours to assume close to a fresh smack pack
cell count. This is then typically crash chilled, decant the starter
liquid and built up as required.
I have noticed with this yeast that it has begun pushing excessive amounts of
sulfur during this propagation process.
I have crash chilled the starter and the culture appears to be healthy,
creamy chalky white and no off flavours in the starter liquid.
Is it typical of this yeast to push sulfur when stepping up from streak
Also the starter liquid was 1.035OG wort from a 50:50 wheat/barley malt
Thank-you for your response in advance.
Sent: Sat Sep 4 06:21:25 2010
Received: Sat Sep 4 06:21:30 2010
From: Labservices <
[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Question From Wyeast Labs website for I have general question.
It is not normal for Wyeast 3068 to produce significant amounts of
sulfur at any propagation step.
Jess Caudill
Wyeast Laboratories
(541) 354-1335