3068, Blow Off Tube Or Double Glad Wrap?

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Barley Belly

Head Brewer - Barley Belly Brewery
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Brewed and cubed my first Weissbiers (a Hefe and a Dunkleweizen) yesterday and are looking at pitching some freshly smacked 3068 in each, in the next day or so.

I have 21 litres of each wort and they will be going in the old style 30litre Cooper's fermentors and are planning on pitching at 12 deg and letting raise to 17 deg or 18 deg for ferment.

Just wondering if anyone has any tricks on how to minimise the Krausen overflow/mess???

I'm normally a glad wrapper but was thinking of using a lid and oring with a blow off tube. Any ideas???
I have 50L of Hefeweizen in a 60L fermenter at the moment with a good pitch of 3068 - the krausen consumed most of the headspace but an airlock was sufficient.

Headspace on 21L in a 30L is considerably less, so you might want to go for the lid and blowoff tube.
Just use a lid, if it has a hole for airlock seal it up.

Tighten lid till it seals then back it off a notch for CO2 escape, easy... B)
If it was me i would pitch one beer at 17-18 then top crop for the next . Using one pack for two brews at that temp is underpitching big time.
I glad wrap with a double layer for wheats and belgians, withthe occasional mess to clean up.
I used this a couple of weeks ago. You'll need a blow off tube.............better to be safe than sorry.
Definitely a blowoff tube. Don't underestimate the capacity of this yeast to crawl anywhere it wants to.

Learned my lesson the hard way, with a couple of very messy clean ups of my fermenting fridge and garage floor.
Am leaning towards the blow off tube, gunna screw lids on with orings and use the bottom of a 2 piece airlock with some hose attached, into a flask with boiled water.

If it was me i would pitch one beer at 17-18 then top crop for the next . Using one pack for two brews at that temp is underpitching big time.
seamad, I'm using one smack pack per 21L
blow off tube!

That stuff would climb out of a 44 gallon drum with 20 liters fermenting in it.
The only other yeast I've used that comes close to 3068 is 3787.

They say 30% headspace ... I've had issues with 50%.
Im too much of a tightarse , must be the scots heritage. I spilt each pack into four and try to organize consecutive brews for top cropping yeast.
I have read that second and third generations of 3068 can lose some character, whether that is true or not dont know.
I have read that second and third generations of 3068 can lose some character, whether that is true or not dont know.

For the better IMO. Second gen often loses the FART (that I can't get a handle on and seems random) with 3068.

I now use 1214 for my hefeweizens as it's got a controlable krausen, no sulphur, heaps of banana, touch of spice and ages supurbly. It also makes them taste like Schneider - the King of Hefes IMO.

There's nothing worse than a hefe that needs ageing because the sulphur leaves at the same time the flavour leaves.
Im too much of a tightarse , must be the scots heritage. I spilt each pack into four and try to organize consecutive brews for top cropping yeast.
I have read that second and third generations of 3068 can lose some character, whether that is true or not dont know.

I prefer it as second generation than I do first...........I seem to get better flavours without the sulphur.............but I've only used it a few times. What I can say is that I would never go without a blowoff tube.
i had stuff all krausen when i used 3068????
beer turned out **** to, 1st, 2nd & 3rd gen
I used a blow off into a 2L port bottle and still that overflowed! This yeast is a monster!
For the better IMO. Second gen often loses the FART (that I can't get a handle on and seems random) with 3068.

I now use 1214 for my hefeweizens as it's got a controlable krausen, no sulphur, heaps of banana, touch of spice and ages supurbly. It also makes them taste like Schneider - the King of Hefes IMO.

There's nothing worse than a hefe that needs ageing because the sulphur leaves at the same time the flavour leaves.

OT.... Does the 1214 give any clove flavour? I find 3068 gives me plenty of that, which i like, but the banana is pretty tame and fades more quickly. Might try 1214 and throw a clove in for last ten mins of boil.
3787 is the krausen king, like 3068 on the roids

Here they are pitched and ready to go, wish me luck :)
Well done! I can see the force is strong in you young belly :icon_cheers:
OT.... Does the 1214 give any clove flavour? I find 3068 gives me plenty of that, which i like, but the banana is pretty tame and fades more quickly. Might try 1214 and throw a clove in for last ten mins of boil.
3787 is the krausen king, like 3068 on the roids

Do you do a ferulic acid rest in the low 40s?