2X Cans of Malt Extract? Yeast?

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Im looking to experement a bit as it is only my 4th batch, im looking to aim a little high with ABV, but still keep a nice bodied beer. Dont want to risk having to much alcohol and killing the yeast, so my question is
do i need to add both yeast satchets or just the one? Anyone who has used to cans in the brew and could help would be appreciated
I always pitched both sachets of yeast when I did toucan brews. If you're adding extra fermentables on top of the two cans then I'd say definitely pitch both yeasts. :)
Hey SrPrize,
I brew extract brews, not kit cans just extracts and regularly use two tins and some steeping grains.
I pitch one 11.5g sachet of yeast, I think may be underpitching a little, but it seems to do the job.

I would recommend if using the kit yeasts, 7g sachets, to pitch both.
Not sure if hydrating is recommended with kit yeasts though.

anyone ?

Hope this helps !?!
unclebarrel said:
Not sure if hydrating is recommended with kit yeasts though.
Let's not get another 5400 pages of arguments on that again... :lol:

I didn't rehydrate them when I did my toucans, I just chucked it straight into the wort. If I was to do it again now I probably would rehydrate it. But the OP is only on his fourth brew, just sprinkle both kit yeasts (if that's what you're using) onto the wort once it's mixed in the fermenter. It'll still ferment out fine. You can worry about the more technical shit when you get a bit more experience at the basic processes. At least, that's what worked for me and I've still got shitloads to learn.

Out of curiosity what is the recipe you're planning, SrPrize?
Thanks heaps guy, good to get help when your starting out! Im doing hopefully what i think is a pretty basic honey wheat beer...

Thomas Coopers Wheat Beer (LME Cans) x2
1 Kg Honey (not sure what type yet)
Sorachi Ace Hop Pellets 80g -30g (60mins), 40g (15mins) , 10g (5mins)
500g Dextrose
Irish Moss

Like i said this is my basic, really my first recipe without walking to the shop and saying this sounds good! Any suggestions/criticisms welcome!
No problems mate, we all have been there.

Having never brewed a wheat beer (not my thing), or used honey in a brew, or used those hops, I can't really offer any comments regarding the recipe :lol: but good luck with it, hope it turns out nicely for ya! :)
Cheers mate, Used honey in my second turned brew turned out great i thought! So hopefully works this time!
I have brewed only one with honey and used 500g. Using 1kg will impart a heap of honey flavour and more fermentables.
But that depends on your volume. How many litres ?
Also, sorachi ace is an interesting choice !
Good luck. Let us know how it goes !
Yeah my second brew i used 1kg honey and i really loved the taste it gave, i love honey in everything so id welcome it! im doing a 23ltr batch so hopefully it turns out good its smelling pretty nice atm:)
Good stuff man !
Keen to hear what you think of sorachi ace, have you used them before ?
I have not, but I am very curious.
What type of honey did you go with? Some honeys from gums impart a strong eucalyptus flavour.
Yeah i havent used sorachi ace either so im interested to see how they go! Trying to use different things each brew to build my own flavour profile with ingredients Im using peninsula yellow box honey, basically i wanted something that was all natural without any perservatives.
Bit Worried now, my OG Started.1068, approx 17 days ago, checked on the 13/8 and was .1030 and seemed to be moving a long, now i checked it today 6 days later and still .1030?? Tasted to sweet to be fully fermented, do i give it a bit of time or try re-ptiching some yeast? Any help would be great!
More yeast.
How much did you pitch originally?
Even 2 kit yeasts with that OG is way underpitched, its probably fagged out, drop another pack in and give it a good thrashing.
i pitched both packs of the dried yeast, was it not enough you reckon?i might try pitching another one see if it takes.
Pretty sure you don't have enough yeast, pitch another pack.
Generally the kit yeast packs are half the size you want for a good ferment.
Get yourself some good quality yeasts from your LHBS and ditch the kit yeast.
US-05 is a good start for ales at 18-20c or w34/70 (or whatever lager yeast they have) for lagers at 8-12c.
Sweet thanks, I searched on the Internet and there has been an endless debate on dried vs fresh, maybe ill just be a bit more cautious when you using dried yeast thanks
yum beer said:
drop another pack in and give it a good thrashing.
Wouldnt give it a thrashing as said here you risk oxidization
Give it a gentle stir rousing the yeast already in there also add more yeast
Wow thanks guys, definitely made a new friend with that calculator. Ill definitely re-pitch and let ya's know how i go! Legends:)

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