Don't want to step on any toes but, has feedback been posted? Would be good to have before i rebrew for the nationals.
You would want to be quick rebrewing, the bottles need to be there in 2 weeks.
Owell there goes that idea! My ipa is out the window but at least i have bottles left for the fruit beer category.
I don't have the motivation of entering Nationals, but would also love to hear when we might receive feedback from our NSW entries. As per huez, I don't mean to step in toes, and fully appreciate the contribution of the volunteers who give their time to run the competition.Don't want to step on any toes but, has feedback been posted? Would be good to have before i rebrew for the nationals.
I got score sheets today as well. Are the entry numbers on the score sheets supposed to match the bottle entry numbers?
The numbers should not match, each entry was allocated a random number so they were anonymous.
So if you entered 2 beers in one category, how are yo meant to tell what beer they're talking about on the feedback?
The IPAs were the same beer but one was bottle conditioned, one got second and one was way down the list, would have been good to know which one did better.
That is very interesting to me as a bottle conditioner only.. Which one was the higher scoring one? I guess unless your technique is flawless, there is likely to be more O2 damage to the one filled from the keg?
So detail about the nationals have only just came up on compmaster and it is already too late to register an entry. I was very keen to get my brew into the nationals as I won a category and am now unable to enter. Anyone else have this issue?
I registered my beer on compmaster 2 weeks ago after it showed up on the aabc website. Was definitely there sorry to say.