2013 Sodium Perc / Met BB - Melbourne

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Pugdog1 said:
Out of curiosity yob how many does the company take for a minimum order and is shipping a flat rate? Also I'm in toowoomba qld is that far from where you live (curious so I can jump in on future bulk buys without asking beforehand)
There is no minimum mate, Contact Hucon (Contact details toward the start of the thread I believe) and see if they can help you out with a local supply or shipping.
Ok thanks the no minimum makes things easier
Gents, I missed-out on this one (long story), so I'm planning on going direct to Hucon for a bag of Perc.

Whilst I'm there & if there's enough interest, I'll get a bag of Sodium Met. as well for splitting. This will save current "holders" having to hive-off their own supplies, despite the fact this stuff goes a long way (1:4 or 1:5 with Perc. will give you as-near-as-makes-no-difference PBW).

CAVEAT: this is Sodium Metasilicate, a cleaning agent, NOT Sodium Metabisulphate, a bacterial inhibitor.

Place your orders below in the usual fashion & I'll coordinate from there. No idea of prices right now (from memory, a bit more than the Perc., but still, it's a bulk-buy price).
MartinOC said:
Gents, I missed-out on this one (long story), so I'm planning on going direct to Hucon for a bag of Perc.

Whilst I'm there & if there's enough interest, I'll get a bag of Sodium Met. as well for splitting. This will save current "holders" having to hive-off their own supplies, despite the fact this stuff goes a long way (1:4 or 1:5 with Perc. will give you as-near-as-makes-no-difference PBW).

CAVEAT: this is Sodium Metasilicate, a cleaning agent, NOT Sodium Metabisulphate, a bacterial inhibitor.

Place your orders below in the usual fashion & I'll coordinate from there. No idea of prices right now (from memory, a bit more than the Perc., but still, it's a bulk-buy price).
Could be interested but depends where you are and what sort of size bags you will split the sodium met into
Oops! Sorry, forgot to mention that bit!

Generally, bags are 20 or 25Kg (TBC), so I'd be looking for 5Kg splits, which will last you a long time when mixed with the Perc. @ 1:5.

If folks want to get together & divvie-up a 5Kg portion between themselves, that's fine, but I'll need to confirm a complete bag purchase, or it's a fizzer.
Holy ****!! There goes the split plan, unless there's extra interest? WTF are you going to do with a whole bag (or shouldn't I ask???).

Happy to get you a bag, mate. Let's see where this goes with extra interested parties. If there's none, I'll still get one for you.
I haven't bought any since Truman did a bulk buy and I am getting low. I suppose half a bag would be just fine but as others have mentioned the family has seen the benefits of it and it is like the keg of soda water in the other thread. Mysteriously disappearing.

Edit. I was talking about perc. Not met. I still have ten years supply of that.
djar007 said:
Edit. I was talking about perc. Not met. I still have ten years supply of that.
Aha! I thought it was a lot.

No problems, I can get you a bag of Perc. when I get mine.

So, any takers for Met.?
I'd love a few kg. What a guy! Cheers.
Sodium Metasilicate
1. colonapostrophe 5kg
2. Mardoo 5kg
Sodium Metasilicate
1. colonapostrophe 5kg
2. Mardoo 5kg
3. Curly79 5Kg

One (or two, depending on bag size) more & we're a goer. I'll call Hucon tomorrow to firm-up bag-size & prices.
I'm interested in the sodium met if any other mashers/northern suburbs guys want to split but I can't take 5Kg. Preferably 1kg 2.5kg tops
dave.wilton said:
I'm interested in the sodium met if any other mashers/northern suburbs guys want to split but I can't take 5Kg. Preferably 1kg 2.5kg tops
Merri Mashers? When's your next meeting? I'm sure you could find someone to split 5Kg with, easily.
MartinOC said:
Merri Mashers? When's your next meeting? I'm sure you could find someone to split 5Kg with, easily.
I'm putting it out there but no takers yet. I can't take the risk buying it myself I just don't have the space to store it (especially with the 6kg of per I already ordered!)
Sodium Metasilicate
1. colonapostrophe 5kg
2. Mardoo 5kg
3. Curly79 5Kg
4. DJ_L3THAL 5kg

One (or two, depending on bag size) more & we're a goer. I'll call Hucon tomorrow to firm-up bag-size & prices.

I'd be up for a bit more perc too, half a bag anyone?
Martin, should you be in the list for your own bulk split!?
DJ_L3ThAL said:
Martin, should you be in the list for your own bulk split!?
I already have 5Kg from the last BB. I'm only doing this for others, since I was planning on getting another bag of Perc. from Hucon & figured whilst I was there, I could help-out some folks who'd expressed interest in some Met. too.
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